Lazerus TD 4.0

Rank 234 out of 61,556 in WarCraft 3

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  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    Amazing T.D., Extremly Unique, Great Job Lazerus

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    This map is one of the best custom games I've played in warcraft3. The custom skins look great, the combination of tower defence + hero defence is lots of fun constnatly keeping u microing all over the map. Best of all its really challenging, havent managed to compelte it yet... But I will eventually... One day.

    P.S Lazerus I'm goanna send you an invisable cookie hope you like it.

    Registered User
  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    Lol, awesome td. Be sure to try it at least once. Good work Lazerus.

    Registered User
  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    you'd better stop praising yourself

  • Project Contributor In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    Excuse me? Prais myself I do but I haven't done that here. Theis are people who I met last night playing and I asked them to come and post. You might try doing something constructive instead of instagating me.

    As for the people who have actually played the map... Thank you.

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    I LOVE THIS GAME! This is one of the best tower defenses I have EVER played I have nothing negative to say about it and I only wish it was hosted as much as it deserves to be.

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    I liked it, i love the help system that gives plus 100 gold to help out. i also like the hero thing to protect the base makes i t more exciting then just normal towers and stuff.

    Registered User
  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    Epic game. Need to maze and work towards Chaos Tower to win.

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    Epic game. Great skins. Rarely lags.

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    Great game keep it up.

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    Wow, really?? "Everybody" come here and said "epic game" / "I like it" / "best tower defense ever"? You thought we are idiot? if this game is so great, why it has only a total number of hmm.. 69 downloads? and hosted 9 times? even your older version has only 112 downloads and 11 times hosted.. uploaded on 1 May 2009.. wow!

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    Our bot can't FULLY track every time a game is hosted (though we're working on it). We do however watch for people gaming the system, and while we can't track down everyone, we encourage people to help us.

    In this situation, you can see that different people are posting (mouse over their username, it will show you an IP chunk). Is his map great? I don't know. Personally I encourage people to go out and convince their friends to come back and rate their maps. If it really isn't good the other regular members are only going to rate it down.

    Lordaeron (U.S. West)
  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    I had to try this map after all ths noise about it.

    Well, i have to admit it is fairly well made, but that's the problem with TDs nowadays. 98% of them are crap and released unfinished, so when an OK map comes out, people think it is an awesome map.

    So, my thoughts about this one are these:

    Fairly good towers. Not a balance wizard and they're not unique at all. Most of them don't have ANY ability (and the ones that have are pretty much the same as every td: cold and poison) and all that matters is the damage type. An OK job here, nothing to brag about, but nothing to be shamed on.

    Nice twist with the hero thing. We know that heroes in TDs usually end up breaking the balance or the game play, but in this one it's done nicely. You actually use you hero ONLY to get leaks (and not to replace your towers, as always), and that's a very clever EXP system so that you don't have to leak intentionally to feed your hero.

    An Ok set of items. Not sure if they're balanced because i haven't tried all heroes, but they seem a bit.. unfinished for me. Can't really say much more about it. A positive thing is that there are not thousands of items, which would make the hero the focus of the game, and not the towers.

    The only thing i actually didn't like was the skill ser for heroes. The skills don't match each other, and most of them don't match the hero model at all. I'd advise the map maker to cut out some of the heroes and improve the others. That's a pretty common mistake in arenas and survivals: make lots of useless heroes instead of few good ones.

    Overall, I liked the map. Still not perfect, and still not one of my favorites, but it has a lot of potential. Has good unique features and not many mistakes. Perhaps the towers could be improved a little, and the heroes could be given some love. But other than that, a map that deserves to be played a few times.

    MT Team member
    Azeroth (U.S. East)
  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    I really enjoy this game and the builder is awesome person also very helpful. I will keep playing this game. Keep up the great work Lazerus

  • Project Contributor In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    Good a solid post given by mecatronic. Thank you. Yes I am aware that the heroes and towers could use more improvement. I am on this as a personal quest at all times. I only added 2 more heroes as apposed to refining due to overwhelming request to more heroes. I would like to make an individual set of towers for each hero but as for now the basic-ness of the towers I have at this moment is only to help balance. I personally think I did Very well balancing this TD though I didn't see auto fill till after it was done.
    Also mecatronic, I think you are not giving my map the right vibe. Sure it’s not done but do you think a post like yours is going to make others want to really want to play it when it really could be a great experience for them? Even though there is limited maps of good quality (and for that reason) try to have a more positive demeanor as it pertains to making people want to actually play the map.

    I don't have many friends on cause I choose to spend my time making, testing, or playing my maps (also because I am rude and brutally honest). So the people who have come here to post have done so out of love for the map.

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    Gud game Lazerus. Make some more :)

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    Nice T.D. !! you the best

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    You're right Lazerus.

    The fact that the map is on an "early" stage makes me see through a different point of view.

    When I made my review I was trying to tell people what I honestly thought about the map, simply because so many "yeah great map" doesn't say much about the map and i wanted to give the players a glimpse of what they were about to see when they played it.

    But I might agree that I was a bit harsh. There were so many compliments that I was expecting at least another Burbenog TD, and I was kind of disappointed when I played it and saw it was a bit.. lacking.

    You have actually made a great work on the map so far, and knowing that you're aware that it's not perfect makes me feel eager to play the next versions. You know most map makers stop "fixing" their maps to add lots of shit to it when they become somewhat famous like you seem to have became.

    I think that the concept of your map is awesome. What you've done with the Hero system is very veyr clever and balanced, but I'd start to pay some attention to the rest of the game from now on.

    Oh, and I really don't think you need a different set of towers for each race/hero, at least not for a while. I just think that there are a lot of default abilities (bash, multi-shot, critical, etc) and some very easy triggered abilitites (passive chain lightning, chance to one-hit-kill, etc) that you could add to the towers with almost no effort compared to what you've done so far. In my opinion, making the towers different just because of their damage type is kind of boring.

    MT Team member
    Azeroth (U.S. East)
  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    Well I have been friends with Lazerus for a year on WC3. He quit for 8 months while the map was at an early stage; a stage where I was helping him test the map. When laz came back I continued to help Laz with the map. It's come a long way and every new version he made was better and cooler then the last. It seems he puts a lot of time in this map since it is one of the best TDs I ever played. (I played a lot of TDs). ((I suggested the gold 2 lumber thing :D))

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    A new and innovative TD...good use of heroes and quite a lot of fun!

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    aers(Opti[C]al), you suggested the gold 2 lumber thing and think that you are a good idea generator? that is just a warcraft III build-in ability and it exist in many other maps as well!! it doesn\'t make this shit map special at all!

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    that's because you used multiple names to say the same thing.

    MT Team member
    Azeroth (U.S. East)
  • Project Contributor In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    Thanks for posting Opti it is good to see you again!
    As for the Gold to lumber thing... he's not trying to say that it is special, just that he gave me the idea. Sorry you think my map is shit.
    As for everyone else, thank you very much for playing and if you see any problems or have a cool or even just a regular idea, post it here and I will see about making it so.

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    Nice map man, I will be hosting this a bit. One thing the bosses are a bit harsh on the heros maybe make xp faster.

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.0

    Best TD ever Made!!!

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