- Nibbits
- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- Lazerus TD 4.0
Maze TD with Heroes to kill leaks
(Solo TD and Team Hero D). Easy, Normal, Hard & Gauntlet Modes. Red picks 10, 30, 60, 100, 160, or infinity Allowable Leaks. If one person exceed they lose. Earn Skulls by not leaking to gain team bonus. -repick for hero.
- Categories:
- Defense (Team)
- Author:
- Lazerus 5
- Filename:
- Lazerus TD v4.0.w3x
- Project Page:
- Lazerus TD 4.0
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 1.5 MB
- Overall Rating:
2 / 5 (25 votes, ranked #100) - Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- 6
- Teams:
- 2
- Dimensions:
- 96x96
- Playable Area:
- 82x84
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 1,961
- Downloads (Daily):
- 1 (ranked #797)
- Hosted (Total):
- 14
- Hosted (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Lazerus 5
- Discovered On:
- Jan. 25, 2010
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Lazerus TD 4.0
Lazerus TD v4.0.w3x (1.5 MB)
- Released:
- Jan. 25, 2010
- Downloads:
- 1,961
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- Opinion:
25 votes considered -
- Good
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- Top 100 Jan. 26, 2010
- Featured Feb. 1, 2010
- Talked About Feb. 14, 2010
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If that is all that you think is wrong, then I am happy with that. But really you’re overcomplicating the whole thing. Leaks set the lives so they directly affect each other. I already released the new ver so you will have to live with seeing “Leaks” in the txt.
You need to redo 5.0. For your argument to work you need to change the "allowable Leaks" menu to "Lives" then leaks as you put it would truely not matter( except for those who want skull bonuses). That was the missing fix in your debate. :) Then when you Reset someone's "lives" it all makes sense. At the moment, Leaks are what matter not lives you could remove the lives for they don't matter. but since you want lives to matter you need to have that menu change as I mentioned above.
Thanks for more ratings. XD makes me all warm and fuzzy.
I am not too bothered about it. Hey even bad publicity is publicity.
Also, a person, per say, could go to multiple friends houses, library, school, Wi-Fi, to create a new ISP ID. It just seems obvious when one person rates it a 1 then 4 more people with no other posts also rate it the same. They don’t say anything or even go to any other threads, it’s as if their one purpose was to come directly to rate and leave.
SS14 I never said that you hated me, those were your words. It is undisputable that you have a problem with me though, because you hadn’t even tried the map when you started all this (if you have yet at all). But I guess I should thank you, for the amusement.
Oh and laz, did you ever get your bot working?
Yeah, I like that feature a lot lol. Makes me laugh to see how infrequently my IP address gets changed. lol. It's kinda unfair for certain people have nonstatic IP's though haha.
Something I implemented a while back, which might solve this dilemma, is user aliases. Now while it can't (easily) determine if someones using a proxy (again, easily, sometimes it does), it will generally tell you if someone is pretending to be other users:
(see at the bottom)
EDIT: it was mecatronic.
ss14 we all know you are the one logging in on different accounts and comming here just to give me a 1 rating, don't belive me, read the posts. Even Dcramer said you were.. I didn't say anything cause it really hasn't hurt in any way what so ever. I am sorry you don't like the map.
Wow, I see my name here twice.. ranked all maps 1? then what is this - http://www.nibbits.com/profiles/ss14/likes/ ? the number of my 'like' is more than the number of my 'dislike'.. and for Lazerus, I don't like this map doesn't mean that I hate you for some reason. IMO, this map is nothing special, unpolished and has balancing problems, that's why I rated it 1. Ok, I am out of this, don't pull me in anymore. thanks.
Today I noticed ss ranks all maps 1. I bet he doesn't even make maps. How sad.
Guess you didn’t notice the other 1s I got from 3 people who haven't ever posted on anything else and from ss14 who doesn't like me for some reason.
Friendly host, you gave me a one line comment and the only thing you could find wrong was that it was too hard for you. Clearly not a good reason to rate it a 1.
Thank you for the better rating.
Since some noob named ZurX put a trojan in my game i have to find time to reinstall it so you might not see me for a bit Laz.
No need to get mad Lazerus. I am only giving you my honest opinion. I meant to give it a 3. Do you complain everytime someone gives you a score lower than 3?
Wow so you gave me a score of one? Thanks alot friendly host. You know its made to be difficult for a reason. Who wants to play a td and beat it the first time, and if so how many of those types of tds are you still playing?
Good game, but it is a little bit too hard. You should make it a little bit easier.
I think the game is really great and I wish it would be hosted more.
It was a nice experience playing it, only bad thing that I really found was the absurd difficulty curve. Especially when you are the only player alive. That just makes it deadly.
It's a good map, I wish it was hosted more =/.
Fine then, I won't fight, but I'm not a pushover
WORKING ON: Maze Mode- For users that lose due to too many leaks. Practice Builder appears after your base blows up and you can build free blocks to refine "your" maze technique. Yes, they are (now) removable thank you Krzy_Klown.
I will also add more Proper Names for the heroes, as per his request as well.
I will refine the checks for the blink FX. Good eyes. If you also notice that they appear up on your spawn, even after your spawn is stopped?
I nerfed every boss damage by 10%.
Okay. I just had played this game with Lazerus.
First, the game is cool enough. The fact that you keep testing it, is making me inspire you, as the same mapmaker I am.
Now on to the TD. After I played it, I found some stuff. You die, then you get a practice builder that builds some practice maze boulders and continue to stay in the game for the whole time. I really like that, I never seen a TD maker to think about this, but the practice boulders were completely unremovable.
I also found some trigger. "when unit enter region". As the TD/EXP Minions spawns they automatically create a blink effect at their spawn point. I used my builder and went on it and it just blinked. I constantly patrolled the place again and again, it persistantly created a blink effect.
Also, Bosses' Damage has to be nerfed, or else, I doubt that the map will be possible to win. OR if you don't want to do this, you might as well increase the stats of the heroes and make it well-balanced. I'll be waiting for your next update. :)
Im ok. It's Okay Opti. Please don't fight.
He didn't post anything useful to help laz. All he said was that laz td is a shit map and didn't tell us why. He also just said that gold2lumber is not new and i already know that so basically all he did was insult laz and me.
Oh my mistake, I must've turned the sound effects off