- Nibbits
- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- Lazerus TD 4.0
Maze TD with Heroes to kill leaks
(Solo TD and Team Hero D). Easy, Normal, Hard & Gauntlet Modes. Red picks 10, 30, 60, 100, 160, or infinity Allowable Leaks. If one person exceed they lose. Earn Skulls by not leaking to gain team bonus. -repick for hero.
- Categories:
- Defense (Team)
- Author:
- Lazerus 5
- Filename:
- Lazerus TD v4.0.w3x
- Project Page:
- Lazerus TD 4.0
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 1.5 MB
- Overall Rating:
2 / 5 (25 votes, ranked #100) - Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- 6
- Teams:
- 2
- Dimensions:
- 96x96
- Playable Area:
- 82x84
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 1,961
- Downloads (Daily):
- 1 (ranked #797)
- Hosted (Total):
- 14
- Hosted (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Lazerus 5
- Discovered On:
- Jan. 25, 2010
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Lazerus TD 4.0
Lazerus TD v4.0.w3x (1.5 MB)
- Released:
- Jan. 25, 2010
- Downloads:
- 1,961
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- Opinion:
25 votes considered -
- Good
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- Top 100 Jan. 26, 2010
- Featured Feb. 1, 2010
- Talked About Feb. 14, 2010
User Comments
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Yes Shadow I remember it vividly, it was to make Tree Sap activate it's self. Yes I did make a trigger that works well. Trents now activate Tree Sap by themselves at the first sight of air.
Really, I add volc to all my maps and think its sharp, and as for the sounds...I have about 45 of them.
For instance, if you up AA everyone hears owls. Also for some other towers everyone will hear sounds for their sound-set. Bosses and air units enter with a funny comment, as do all 5 last rounds. If you buy an item for your hero you hear music. If you random the secret hero you hear music. If you approach your max leaks everyone hears gongs. The Forsaken Ranger has a speed up "blood-lust" to make it sound like a girl on her lvl 6 move...the list goes on and on. Turn Sound FX on that’s the channel I use.
Thanks for playing and for the Trent idea.
People have the right to comment on what they dislike, and in fact anything that helps improve the quality of a map is important to let the author know about.
Lazerus, I played the game with you like two weeks ago and we talked a bit, I think I told you how to fix something in your triggers, but couldn't remember for the life of me what it was. I wish your progress well and appreciate the feedback you gave on my map.
Also, I think your terrain hurts my eyes. (But I hate volcano terrain so yeah. =P) I'd say work on the terrain and add in some game sounds to make the game better overall. Good luck.
@ gold2lumbersucks
First of all, your name makes you look like a total douche bag.
Second of all, I don't I just like to grab credit for things I did so that's why I posted it there.
Last of all, if you think this map is shit why did you take your time to flame it and instead just move on with your life, which I don't know if you have one
Always liked this map. Any difficulty is fun to play. I enjoy the new heroes as well. :)
Great game, needs a fountain for heroes. Awesome TD system with hero catching leaks. Cheers!
just played it again and wanted to say great job on the mapping not to mention the complex creep set up i hope to see more in the future (:
its a great game over all had a hard time finding the normal armor tower to use but besides that great (:
LOL, don't give away my secret.
I do ask people ingame only if they are having fun. You were being stuborn but look I got you here!
Great game, I enjoyed it a lot. You must have spend a lot of hours working on it and it is quite impressive. Good job!
This game was cool but It has so many dl's, comments, and ratings because the makers asks for them 1000 times. I guess that might be a good thing. Anyway, it was a fun game, the only thing I saw to make it better werre to maker recipes and a place to heal.
Awwww, we got beat by the very last boss.
Best td ever.. Played this today with lazerus and we beat it on normal. Very fun
very nice map, a bit harsh if u dont no what to do (for new players) and bosses are a bit hard on the heroes, i really like the towering system, good game for vets and very entertaining.
Best TD ever Made!!!
Nice map man, I will be hosting this a bit. One thing the bosses are a bit harsh on the heros maybe make xp faster.
Thanks for posting Opti it is good to see you again!
As for the Gold to lumber thing... he's not trying to say that it is special, just that he gave me the idea. Sorry you think my map is shit.
As for everyone else, thank you very much for playing and if you see any problems or have a cool or even just a regular idea, post it here and I will see about making it so.
that's because you used multiple names to say the same thing.
aers(Opti[C]al), you suggested the gold 2 lumber thing and think that you are a good idea generator? that is just a warcraft III build-in ability and it exist in many other maps as well!! it doesn\'t make this shit map special at all!
A new and innovative TD...good use of heroes and quite a lot of fun!
Well I have been friends with Lazerus for a year on WC3. He quit for 8 months while the map was at an early stage; a stage where I was helping him test the map. When laz came back I continued to help Laz with the map. It's come a long way and every new version he made was better and cooler then the last. It seems he puts a lot of time in this map since it is one of the best TDs I ever played. (I played a lot of TDs). ((I suggested the gold 2 lumber thing :D))
You're right Lazerus.
The fact that the map is on an "early" stage makes me see through a different point of view.
When I made my review I was trying to tell people what I honestly thought about the map, simply because so many "yeah great map" doesn't say much about the map and i wanted to give the players a glimpse of what they were about to see when they played it.
But I might agree that I was a bit harsh. There were so many compliments that I was expecting at least another Burbenog TD, and I was kind of disappointed when I played it and saw it was a bit.. lacking.
You have actually made a great work on the map so far, and knowing that you're aware that it's not perfect makes me feel eager to play the next versions. You know most map makers stop "fixing" their maps to add lots of shit to it when they become somewhat famous like you seem to have became.
I think that the concept of your map is awesome. What you've done with the Hero system is very veyr clever and balanced, but I'd start to pay some attention to the rest of the game from now on.
Oh, and I really don't think you need a different set of towers for each race/hero, at least not for a while. I just think that there are a lot of default abilities (bash, multi-shot, critical, etc) and some very easy triggered abilitites (passive chain lightning, chance to one-hit-kill, etc) that you could add to the towers with almost no effort compared to what you've done so far. In my opinion, making the towers different just because of their damage type is kind of boring.
Nice T.D. !! you the best
Gud game Lazerus. Make some more :)
Good a solid post given by mecatronic. Thank you. Yes I am aware that the heroes and towers could use more improvement. I am on this as a personal quest at all times. I only added 2 more heroes as apposed to refining due to overwhelming request to more heroes. I would like to make an individual set of towers for each hero but as for now the basic-ness of the towers I have at this moment is only to help balance. I personally think I did Very well balancing this TD though I didn't see auto fill till after it was done.
Also mecatronic, I think you are not giving my map the right vibe. Sure it’s not done but do you think a post like yours is going to make others want to really want to play it when it really could be a great experience for them? Even though there is limited maps of good quality (and for that reason) try to have a more positive demeanor as it pertains to making people want to actually play the map.
I don't have many friends on B.net cause I choose to spend my time making, testing, or playing my maps (also because I am rude and brutally honest). So the people who have come here to post have done so out of love for the map.
I really enjoy this game and the builder is awesome person also very helpful. I will keep playing this game. Keep up the great work Lazerus