Police Catch Thief AI 1.04

Rank 1,274 out of 61,557 in WarCraft 3

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  • John Bunnell would be proud :P

  • who is john bunnell???

  • He is a famous police

  • He is the narrator on crazy video shows now.
    When Animals Attack the Most Extreme Karate Cops in Wild Crash Explosions Caught on Tape

    btw Mr.Kirov. Nice to see your still making maps, I will try this it actually looks neat. Except one thing that kept me away from CnR was the Cops... I HATE DIRTY COPS! Cool cops are fine but low down dirty small town chip on their shoulder ass wipes who got picked on in school and just became a cop to exact some revenge power trip... ya those guys make me not want to play or watch or be any part of a cop themed project. Now a Cowboys Vs. Indians, Good Vs. Bad or a resource battle fine, but I am not a Criminal nor am I a overly moral, goody two-shoes prick cop either.

    All my respect to the people doing good in our world even if they are cops.


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