- Nibbits
- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- Shonen Wars v1.9
Shonen Wars v1.9
Shonen Wars v1.9
Forum - http://shonenwars.informe.com/
Map Description
This map is an AoS style map based on Shonen Animes such as (D.Gray man, ...
Shonen Wars v1.9
Forum - http://shonenwars.informe.com/
Map Description
This map is an AoS style map based on Shonen Animes such as (D.Gray man, Shakugan No Shana, Fairy Tail, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Full Metal Alchemist, many more...). There is great variety of diffrent sort of items in the map. Heroes will be added more later on, same goes for quests and Items. For short description, there is 3 lines where mobs push, after you destroy line towers, you get into the Base and destroy Main building and claim your victory afterwards.
Game Modes
-SM (Short Mode)
-USM (Ultra Short Mode)
-DM, -DM5 (Death Match, number indicates Lives)
-ID (Item Drop)
-MS (Movement Speed)
-MA (Matchup)
-Music On / -Music Off (Starts Song for all players)
-Cam High / -Cam Reset (Resets or Sets camera more higher)
-Unstuck (Unstucks stucked hero in the map)
Change Log
[quote]System & Gameplay
*New Song: Devil May Cry OST - Track 13"
*Selection circles last bit longer than before.
*Player Starting gold increased to 850 gold.
*Tree and ...
System & Gameplay
*New Song: Devil May Cry OST - Track 13"
*Selection circles last bit longer than before.
*Player Starting gold increased to 850 gold.
*Tree and destructibles respawn time increased.
*New "-Unstuck" command which moves hero out from bugged terrain spots back to base.
*Higher level heroes won't drain exp anymore.
*Added some smartass messages.
*There will be longer message for "Allies hero has fallen".Balance & Units
*The Black Order troops no longer gain upperhand at top line at first clashing.
*New 3 creep spots added.
*Crab Pool gold chance increased to 2%.
*Chickens are now fenced, so they won't run around on streets.Fixes & Tooltips
*Fix on the Last Hero standing.
*Water Torrent hotkey tooltip fixed.
*Player 6 will now display hero icon multiboard.
*Edward description updated.
*Spell Preview tooltips now mostly will show damages for all Four levels.
*Water Torrent tooltip fixed.
*Hyper Form tooltip corrected.
*Primo's Cloak tooltip error fixed.
*Flaming Blade and Fuuzetsu will no longer use same hotkey.Items
*New Item: Schlamuffen
*Flame arrow damage dropped from 350 to 325.
*Sacred Jewel recipe problem fixed.
*Sword of Blood recipe cost dropped.
*Primo's Blood recipe cost dropped to 850g.
*Primo's Cloak recipe cost dropped.
*Chocolove's Claws now give +12 Agility, recipe cost increased by +100g.Heroes
*New: Reworked Sendo No Mari
*New: Reworked Crystal Type
*New: Hei's Stealth Strike changed to Assassination
*Slight manacost changes there and there.
*Hyper form cooldown nerfed and Movement bonus.
*Invisible Air Damage buffed.
*Gajeel Iron Dragon fist damage scaled.
*Iron Dragon Scales Damage nerfed, but cooldown drops with levels.
*Mark Of Ouroborous Slightly buffed.
*Overedge ability damage slightly debuffed and Speed decreased, this will affect item too.
*Black Star's Smoke Bomb no Longer disables spells, but now decreases movement speed.
*Zeroth Form - Masamune now deals Chaos damage instead of Hero damage.
*Hero damages adjusted based on their weapons.
*Water Lock manacost increased.
*water Dome manacost increased.Visuals & Cosmetics
*New! Icon For Gluttony
*Majin Hunt effect fixed, also revamped abit.
*The hero description tooltips got fixed/changed abit.
*Seek ability now shows different effect on caster and targets.
*storm Flames doesn't make any longer opponents fly in the air.
*Now each heros title is colored as their main attribute.
*Gluttonys title changed to "The Voracious".
*Starrk's title changed from "First Espada" to "Primaron Espada".
*Tsuna's title changed to "10th Vongola Boss".
*Anko's title changed to "Tokubetsu Jounin".
*Mukuros has new title "Vongola Mist Guardian".
*There is now effect on When Anko transforms to Cursed seal form.Terrain
*Stonewall on Ruin area, is now much weaker so its easier to destroy it each time.
*Pathing blockers added to ruins.
*Few bump Spots are now fixed.
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- AoS (Dota-like)
- Author:
- xRyStaRx 5
- Filename:
- Shonen Wars v1.9 (Final).w3x
- Project Page:
- Shonen Wars v1.9
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 5.0 MB
- Overall Rating:
5 / 5 (1 votes, ranked #385) - Tags:
- anime, aos, fairy tail, naruto, shamanking, shonen
- Players:
- 10
- Teams:
- 2
- Dimensions:
- 128x128
- Playable Area:
- 128x128
- Favorites:
- 1
- Downloads (Total):
- 1,415
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Discovered On:
- April 29, 2011
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Shonen Wars v1.9
Shonen Wars v1.9 (Final).w3x (5.0 MB)
- Released:
- April 29, 2011
- Downloads:
- 1,415
- Direct Link:

- Opinion:
1 vote considered -
- Neutral
- Terrain:
- Units:
- Sound:
- Replay Value:
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