- Nibbits
- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- Shonen Wars v1.8b
Shonen Wars v1.8b
Shonen Wars v1.8b
Forum - http://shonenwars.informe.com/
Map Description
This map is an AoS style map based on Shonen Animes ...
Shonen Wars v1.8b
Forum - http://shonenwars.informe.com/
Map Description
This map is an AoS style map based on Shonen Animes such as (D.Gray man, Shakugan No Shana, Fairy Tail, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Full Metal Alchemist, many more...). There is great variety of diffrent sort of items in the map. Heroes will be added more later on, same goes for quests and Items. For short description, there is 3 lines where mobs push, after you destroy line towers, you get into the Base and destroy Main building and claim your victory afterwards.
Game Modes
-SM (Short Mode)
-USM (Ultra Short Mode)
-DM, -DM5 (Death Match, number indicates Lives)
-ID (Item Drop)
-MS (Movement Speed)
-MA (Matchup)
-Music On / -Music Off (Starts Song for all players "Death Note - L's Theme")
-Cam High / -Cam Reset (Resets or Sets camera more higher)
System & Gameplay
*Circle Of Powers, will now show timer when they die, when that time runs out you cannot pick any longer.
*Few changes on map protection system.Balance & Units
*Hentai Demon and Crab King's damage/health/armor buffed.
*Some Base buildings were renamed from the defaults.
*Fire bushes removed, the wells now shoot blasts instead.Fixes
*Lenalee has no problem with the ultimate and Dash skill anymore.
*Primo's Cloak Recipe tooltip fixed.
*Shadow Shuriken tooltip updated.
*Natsus Karyu No Hoko damage tooltip fixed.
*Enbu Kirikaze knockback and damages fixed per level.
*Starrk Coyote hero tooltip fixed.
*Shadow Shuriken can now turn to tsubaki like it should.
*Warcurgis Iron scraps bug removed.Items
*Air Trecks now give +10 Agility too.
*Kanshou & Bakuya's Overedge ability now fixed and deals damage.
*Scanner manacost dropped from 50 to 35.
*Primos Cloak requires guardian pauldrons instead of Iron Shield.
*Primo's Cloak Recipe cost dropped from 975 to 925.
*Flame Arrow damage increased from 300 to 350.
*Orange Lantern radius nerfed.
*Yondaime's Special Kunai gold cost increased to 900g.
*Samehada burn increased to 21.
*Kanshou and Bakuya recipes cost dropped.
*Saiyan Armor now blocks +5 Damage more and gives 125 Health instead of 100 Health.
*Mystogan Staff gives now 10 Strength.
*Orange Lantern now gives mana renegation.
*Flame Arrow now gives 10 intelligence instead of 5.
*Primos Cloak no longer gives armor.
*Sacred Jewel doesn't have recipe cost anymore.
*Saiyan Scouter now gives 45% Mana renegation.
*Sword Of Blood Recipe cost dropped.
*Sword Of Blood damage increased from 23 to 25.
*Vongola Sky ring armor nerfed by -1, but now increases +3 Strength.
*Warcurgis increases +6 STR/AGI instead of +5.
*Warcurgis recipe post reduced.
*King Boa's Jar Ability removed coz it was buggy and almost useless, in return the recipe is cheaper.
*Allen's Arm now gives +10 STR instead of +8 STR.Heroes
*Los Lobos Spell changed to different one.
*Enbu Kirikaze Knockback distance increased.
*Burning Axel slow adjusted.
*Hei's Electric dagger damage adjusted and damage radius bigger also faster.
*Dark boots are now activatable rather than targetable, also increase slightly movement speed.
*Pillar Of Flames damage increased.
*Vongola Mist Owl's Mist fog now works differently. Also Cambio forma has now 2 levels.
*Dragon Fire Technique casting time removed.
*Cursed Seal Of Heaven now increases +50 Hp During the Spell.
*Mana Shield only Absorbs now only 65% Dealt damage.
*Sword Of Exorcism is now passive.
*Yoh's Oversoul damage nerfed but also cooldown decreased.
*Mukuro has the Real Ultimate now, what was stated on last patch notes.
*Flame Lotus casting range nerfed.
*Excalibur damage range increased.
*Garganta range nerfed.
*New remade Shana's Fuuzetsu, Only 3 levels.
*Water dome duration nerfed from 4/5/6/7 to 3.5/4.5/5.5/6.5 seconds.
*Proper mana cost now added to water dome.
*Natsu strength growth nerfed from 2.80 to 2.65
*Bel's Ultimate made something more useful and better.
*Edward's Human transmutation removed (lets face it sucked).
*Edward got new spell called "Water Torrent".Visuals & Cosmetics
*New Edward Elric Model.
*Garganta Dummy now smaller, also selection scale increased.
*Electric dagger has now different casting animation.
*Magic Resistance A buff icon is now changed to real one.
*Storm Flame Enchant icon changed.
*New Sound Shackles icon.
*Garganta doesn't play animation anymore.Terrain
*Pillars at ruin area removed, since they caused bugs.
*One Leaf thing removed ruins which was blocking path to hiding spot.
*Top line clashing spot, ramps made 1x wider.
- Categories:
- AoS (Dota-like)
- Author:
- xRyStaRx 5
- Filename:
- Shonen Wars v1.8b.w3x
- Project Page:
- Shonen Wars v1.8
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 5.4 MB
- Overall Rating:
5 / 5 (1 votes, ranked #382) - Tags:
- anime, bleach, fairy, khr, naruto, tail
- Players:
- 10
- Teams:
- 2
- Dimensions:
- 128x128
- Playable Area:
- 128x128
- Favorites:
- 1
- Downloads (Total):
- 1,946
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- xRyStaRx 5
- Discovered On:
- March 24, 2011
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Shonen Wars v1.8b
Shonen Wars v1.8b.w3x (5.4 MB)
- Released:
- March 24, 2011
- Downloads:
- 1,946
- Direct Link:

- Opinion:
1 vote considered -
- Neutral
- Terrain:
- Units:
- Sound:
- Replay Value:
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