LosT LegendS v1.01a

Rank 1,600 out of 61,557 in WarCraft 3
This map is part of the LosT LegendS v1.01a project.

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  • Project Contributor In response to LosT LegendS v1.01a

    First of all, thanks a lot for your comment an suggestions, but you should seriously use the EDIT button, instead of doing a triple post!

    • I'll look over the wood thing, normally you should receive something around half to full wood costs back from buying the spell, if you've maxed it.
    • Due to the lack of time, the map will stay at the 30-40 levels for now. Maybe I'll find some more time and be able to add a totally new area to play at!!
    • A zoom command won't be implemented, because the map itself is pretty small, it makes no sense at all. For the block thing, you shouldn't fight within the door where the creeps come out, so teamplay is important! the areas are wide enough to fight without blocking.
    • And finally I won't add further chances to survive, because I want to make the map hosted more often, so more people can play it and not only 2 or 3 that play that map for hours, because of endless respawning or restarting. So rehosting is wished here.

    Maybe I find some time to add more stuff and to fix some bugs etc, thanks for your comment!! :)

    Northrend (Europe)
  • In response to LosT LegendS v1.01a

    we need to do something with the "block"thing ... we are getting blocked by teammates often ... a zoom command will be good. A revive method should be created ... the one with passing the valley is goood .. but only one time ? it will be better if 2-3 times allowed, also a hint it will be good how to pass valley, newbies dont know that if they day they get a second chance. ..

  • In response to LosT LegendS v1.01a

    ah you dont get wood back when maximed spells ... i am doing this on passive spells

  • In response to LosT LegendS v1.01a

    i love this map , but there are many things to be fixed . i dont like that random spells ... you lose wood .. but that is not the max problem. after you kill the boss wolf you defend the castle ... if you kill their spawning creeps .. the game is neutral you dont win/lose. it will be nice if more levels will be created not only 4-5 main levels until you defend castle. i am looking forward to see a new version ! Good job

  • Project Contributor In response to LosT LegendS v1.01a

    Any comments or suggestions are welcome!
    Have any ideas to improve the map, or noticed some bugs, then post it here! :)

    [There are still some free hero slots available! ;-) ]

    Northrend (Europe)

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