- Nibbits
- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- Water World: Shattered Land
About the game:
It plays like the ordinary melee Warcraft 3: TFT, the only difference is that each race are given different types of warships that can be played throughout the game, I also added new ...
About the game:
It plays like the ordinary melee Warcraft 3: TFT, the only difference is that each race are given different types of warships that can be played throughout the game, I also added new heroes for each distinctive races and taverns, since the Tavern is fully occupied by new heroes, I also added the new "Resurrection Stone" which was featured on Orc bonus campaign in Warcraft 3, compare it to the last version, ships are revamped and rebalanced. There are also new creeps, naga and pirates mostly.
List of new warships:
1.) Human -
Missile Interceptor: Very agile ship and equipped with dwarven rapid missile turret, has Intercept, can gain Missile Barrage upgrade.
Transport Ship: Sturdy transport boat, has True Sight, can gain Advance Combat Armor upgrade.
Maulers: Powerful hammer tossing cruiser, can gain Split Second Boost upgrade.
2.) Orc -
Corsairs: Sacrificial attack boat, can gain Suicide and Fireboost.
Storm Zeppelin: Transport airship, can gain Speed Boost upgrade.
Juggernauts: Intimidating orcish cruiser, can gain Advance Engineering upgrade.
3.) Undead -
Legionnaire: Medium armored attack boat, can gain Frost Enchantment upgrade.
Harbinger: Fast teleportation airship, has Dark Summoning, can gain Harbinger Plating upgrade.
Corpser: Corpse tossing battle ship, can gain Blood Drive.
4.) Nigh Elf
Nightstalker: Evasive attack ship, can gain Viper Arrows upgrades.
Moon Strider: Stealth transport ship that has better vision in night than daylight, can gain Stealth Run upgrade.
Starseeker: Powerful long range ship, can gain Seeker Beacon upgrades.
New Heroes:
1.) Sword Magician (Human) - Mystical Hero, adept at using sword as magical skills. Can learn Shatter Bolt, Grand Sword, Lightspeed Boost, and Final Explosion.
2.) Battlemaster (Orc) - Warrior Hero, uses brute force against its foes. Can learn Quick Spin, Chaos Blood, Battle Training and Chaos Form.
3.) Hell Saint (Undead) - Mystical Hero, adept at using chaotic spells. Can learn Weaken, Chaos Sentry, Corruption Aura, and Destruction.
4.) Mana Manipulator (Night Elf) - Mystical Hero, adept at using skills that involved great amount of mana. Can learn Mana Shield, Energy Spear, Orb of Mana, and Mind Teleportation.
5.) Lightning Sage (Neutral) - Cunning hero, adept at using intense lightning spells. Can learn Great Thunder, Lightning Blades, Evasion, and Paralyzing Strike.
6.) Pirate Mechanist (Neutral) - Warrior Hero, adept at supporting and summoning mechanical units. Can learn Repair, Gears Aura Offensive, Gears Aura Defensive and Summon Steel Golem.
7.) Naga Illusionist (Neutral) - Cunning Hero, adept at confusing foes. Can learn Replicate, Disarm, Mind Mastery, and Illusion Mastery.
8.) Marine (Neutral) - (Bonus Hero) Cunning Hero, equipped with a futuristic S.I.R. ( Standard. Issue. Rifle.) and a skilled rifle trooper. Can learn Impact Shot, Active Reload, Incendiary Ammo and Carnage.
armel - Naga Enchantress
4eNNightmare - Rocket Icon
- Replicate Icon
OgeRfaCes - Split Time Boost Icon
X.e.r.e.X - Fire Boost Icon
Devine - Shatter Bolt Icon
- Lightspeed Boost Icon
L_Lawliet - Destruction Icon
The D3ath - Weaken Icon
CRAZYRUSSIAN - Quick Spin Icon
KelThuzad - Chaos Blood Icon
Anarchon - Orb of Mana Icon
- Mind Teleportation Icon
INSEKT - Mind Mastery Icon
NFWar - Illusion Mastery Icon
- Categories:
- Assault Mass Control
- Author:
- Ken-E 3
- Filename:
- Water World - Shattered Land.w3x
- Project Page:
- Water World: Shattered Land
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 732.3 KB
- Overall Rating:
4 / 5 (2 votes, ranked #270) - Tags:
- creatures., islands, melee, naga, new units, pirates, sea, ships, strategy, upgrade, warcraft 2, warcraft 3, warships, water, world
- Players:
- 4
- Teams:
- 1
- Dimensions:
- 160x160
- Playable Area:
- 158x158
- Favorites:
- 1
- Downloads (Total):
- 384
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Ken-E 3
- Discovered On:
- Nov. 12, 2010
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- JavaScript Widget:
Water World: Shattered Land
Water World - Shattered Land.w3x (732.3 KB)
- Released:
- Nov. 12, 2010
- Downloads:
- 384
- Direct Link:

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- Opinion:
2 votes considered -
- Neutral
- Terrain:
- Units:
- Sound:
- Replay Value:
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User Comments
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Unlike your other map Frosty Woods this one has beautiful terrain but starting points are maybe too small and too close to creep camps. I really don't see the need for more heroes, ships or mercenaries, this game already has a lot of units. I tried with humans and didn't like your custom hero Sword Magician. One of your ships has different icons for a skill. It's a "rocket" icon in shipyard to research the skill and a "ship" icon on the ship when he has the skill researched.
Maybe I should give it a couple more tries but I don't have the time and the map didn't attract me too much to play it more times.
Solid 3 stars from me.