- Nibbits
- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- 火影忍者羁绊[2.21]正式版
Finally! As many of you are expecting this new patch. Patch 2.21 is here, more characters are added! This is the best and newest Naruto Castle Defense map! In this unique and yet wonderful map you ...
Finally! As many of you are expecting this new patch. Patch 2.21 is here, more characters are added! This is the best and newest Naruto Castle Defense map! In this unique and yet wonderful map you get to choose your character from Naruto series and defend your castle from the enemies and bosses.
The most important thing in this game is to upgrade your armors and weapons. Buy weapons at the green tree then upgrade them at orange tree. Finally get gems by killing Hokages and tailed beasts then upgrade your gears further using items they dropped. The first choice is the easiest mode. Type hg will teleport you back to base.
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Here is the order of things you do in this map:
Start of game before 1st wave: buy empty bottle from sorcerer then run to water, then type hg after bottle is filled, then click on the 2nd icon(looks like a map) to complete the quest. This quest gives you money and xp. right before 1st wave quickly buy gears from green tree then upgrade it at orange tree.
Beat down 1st wave then start doing water quest until you're lvl 10. At lvl 10 you can beat your own image. Go to sorcerer and click on the yellow "clone" icon to go and fight your image. Image randomly drops xp 20000 gold or +20 all stats. so to get gold quick do images!
after you get enough gears upgraded go to leveling rooms, at sorcerer, click barrack icon. kill mobs there to gain gold and lvl FAST.
At lvl 50 you'll gain your secondary ultimate skill. then you can start to go gem hunting. gems are dropped by Hokages. To go to fight Hokages click on the blue man icon at sorcerer. There are 2 sizes of gems, small and big. small gems(droped by 3rd and 4th hokage) can be used to upgrade your maxed out gears to tier 1 gears. big gems (dropeed by 1st and 2nd Hokage) can be used to upgrade your tier 1 gears to tier 2. All gem upgrades are at the orange rune at the right side of map near orange tree.
After you have all tier 2 gears. you can start killing tailed beasts(Dragon, Phoenix, Tiger, and Turtle) Dragon is green gems, Phoenix is purple gems, Tiger is blue, and Turtle is red.
There are many secrets in this game, you'll have to find them on your own :P
Good luck and have fun!
Blue gem gives various stats but more on str.
Green gem gives various stats but more on agi.
Purple gem gives various stats but more on int.
Red gem gives all around stats.
- Categories:
- Defense (Team)
- Author:
- Bobby
- Filename:
- NarutoCastleDefense2.21.w3x
- Project Page:
- 火影忍者羁绊[2.1]正式版
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 5.3 MB
- Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- 6
- Teams:
- 2
- Dimensions:
- 96x96
- Playable Area:
- 84x84
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 900
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Holymind 1
- Discovered On:
- May 14, 2010
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- JavaScript Widget:
NarutoCastleDefense2.21.w3x (5.3 MB)
- Released:
- May 14, 2010
- Downloads:
- 900
- Direct Link:

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2.23 is out for quite a while. Go get it. This map is fun & the skills are coool but because its in chinese, we can't read it. So a little guide to the new players:
1) After choosing your hero, buy a empty bottle & move to the ping locations on ur map, which is the left & right rivers
2) U shld get a full bottle after u reach the river. Type "hg" to return home instantly & then buy the icon that has a brown map wid a X which shld b beside the bottle.
3) There are boss which will drop gem if u defeat them later in the game. After getting a gem, go to the shop & buy a item (eg. sword). Upgrade ur sword to the max & then wid the gem in ur inventory, buy the gem from the shop which is the same colour. You shld get a upgraded sword. Blue adds str, green adds agi & purple adds int. The lonely coloured gem that doesn't belong to any adds all stats. Hero image shld be fought when low-leveled so its easier.
If u need help can pm me or sth but otherwise... enjoy the map!
I didn't make this map, and I don't know how to edit this map. All I know is how to play this map.
As for pain, the part of the password isn't in English so you can't input it.
thanks for the link.
please write more detail about item.
i cant undstnd.
can give me clue how to use pain? :)
The map is already updated, it's here:
Pain is a secret character.
This game has difficulty settings, the first one is the easiest.
please reduce the difficult of this game.
add more character hero.
add more item.
and 1 more question where is pain????
i hope u update this map..
nice map keep it up..
Download here:
link1: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/2-21-a-166992/
link2: http://war3.incgamers.com/?p=mod&m=11697
I don't know how to edit a map. Also I am not the author. If anyone can write my description and guide into this map it would be awesome.
This could be better if the Language was English.