- Nibbits
- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- Lazerus TD 5.0
Lazerus TD 5.0
Rank 658 out of 61,557 in WarCraft 3
This map is part of the Lazerus TD 6.0b project.
A newer version of this map, Lazerus TD 6.0b, is available.
Maze TD with Heroes to kill leaks (Solo TD and Team Hero D). Easy, Normal, Hard & Gauntlet Modes. Red picks 10, 30, 60, 100, 160, or infinity allowable Leaks. Earn Skulls by not leaking and Feathers by killing all air. '-repick' hero. '-auto' everyone.
- Categories:
- Defense (Competitive)
- Author:
- Lazerus 5
- Filename:
- Lazerus TD v5.0.w3x
- Project Page:
- Lazerus TD 6.0b
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 1.7 MB
- Overall Rating:
3 / 5 (18 votes, ranked #48) - Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- 6
- Teams:
- 2
- Dimensions:
- 96x96
- Playable Area:
- 82x84
- Favorites:
- 2
- Downloads (Total):
- 1,281
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Hosted (Total):
- 677
- Hosted (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Lazerus 5
- Discovered On:
- March 2, 2010
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Lazerus TD 5.0
Lazerus TD v5.0.w3x (1.7 MB)
- Released:
- March 2, 2010
- Downloads:
- 1,281
- Rating:
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- Opinion:
18 votes considered -
- Good
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- Top 100 March 3, 2010
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can some of you put up recipe for combining items.
Well I guess there is some glitch where a boss comes out and kills all the heroes, I have never seen the bug and cannot reproduce it. Thought I fixed it from 5.0 to 6.0 and 6.0 to 6.0b but I guess not. Until I find it please wait for 6.0c. Works fine 1 player, and I believe it has something to do with a lagger during the open cinematic.
I am working on a new ver, wait I HAVE been working on it. I am soon to release, and I will post a detailed change log but here are some changes I made so far...
-Newer better easier to read Multi-Board and tool-tips for all the stuff, items, towers show damage and cost for every up-grade...
-10 more rounds with every round having a minion with an ability, making it really freaking hard to beat.
-1 more secret hero, Tigerian Slicer. Sorry, (would have added 12 heroes but I can't find enough spells worthy of giving to them) let me know if you have any non-leaking, non-outlandish or map destroying/cooler then any spell ever made, USABLE spells.
look up^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-Banking System, with a real floating Bank that can do transactions so you don't have to type if you don't want to (keeping your money business to your self). Bank gives 5% every round.
-Item Recipes, secret combinations, up to 21 new items. They are secret because the items sell for 100%. Every time you combine 2 items it takes the attributes of those two items and adds a little to each one. Azure Sword (+10dam) combined with a Skull Helm (+5arm) = Skull Sword (+12dam and +6arm).
-3 new towers, Multi-Shot, Rapidfire, Skull Cannon. This new bread of Uber Tower can only be built with prerequisite levels of certain towers. The Chaos tower needs level three of all of these towers.
-No lives, No modes, No red benefits. Old School 3.0 status. All dash commands will be for every one.
Example: -help player can be done by any player.
-Handicap System. If you have 0 leaks your minion spawn in hard mode (+2 armor). If you leak 1 then your in Normal mode (normal armor 100% HP). Then every 10 leaks you get 5% off your spawns health points.
50 leaks = 75% HP.
-A vote to stop player system. Won't kick them just stops their spawn and they get to keep their hero. They will also get a practice builder for their spawn.
You can stop yourself at any time by typing -stop me.
That is basically the bulk of the changes.
@GolemCommander: Oh you like that. I made him. He is my K.A.O.S Golem. Let me know if you want the skin.
@Zck113: Oh sorry bro. I just switched the bot to FULL HOUSE and started hosting on Europe. Games are filling fast now. As for a clan, I used to have a Lazerus Maps Guild (LMG) Clan for a while but I got busy with work. If you are interested in being a Shammy let me know I could round up 20 ppl to join now that I am locked down in my job.
Is there a clan of some sort? I'm getting furious of waiting 20 mins for someone to join, then they leak non stop, and people who don't train their hero and end up leaking later, annnd we all die. Furious.
I'm zck113 on west/east, let me know if you want to play, and I'm down to take criticism if I'm doing something wrong.
"rare" was referring to "play more than once a map that has so many mistakes".
I understand that you're not satisfied with my review, but that's my honest opinion about your map. I tried to give good directions on what's wrong (again, in MY opinion) so you can work on them. My experience comes from the years I've spent playing and mainly working on my map (and helping other authors that frequently ask for help), but again it's just my opinion. Comparing your map with the marjority of maps that are starting to being developed nowadays is misjudging it, since (as you stated), w3 is dying. Most of the maps I've seen in the past months aren't even a glimpse of the standards of 1-2 years ago (including maps that are still being worked on) and if you want me to compare your map to them, I can give you a solid 4-5. But that wouldn't be more than a lie.
Again, I'm sorry if I offended you somehow, or if I sounded too picky (which I admit I am). My intention was only to help.
5.1 will contain;
-Ice Scepter: will cost 375 instead of 300.
-Skulls will give 30 lumber.
-Beginning Build Time: Easy mode will gain 15 seconds and Hard will have 15 seconds less time.
-More info: Hero info at the start.
@ mb53:
Ahh you have noticed the timing involved with the chaos tower.
If you can get the Chaos Tower you don't need the lvl 4 aa.
"Think of one tower that I could make have less requirement(if any tower could have a lower req to help get the chaos tower sooner, if a person knew how), but it has to be an important tower, replaceable by the new tower" bla bla balance. The AA tower.
I like it when people delve into a concept instead of just glitch/fix testing.
Edit:There is an Air Noob at the very end of round 39 worth 200g so don't dg your AA!
Ok, beat normal today to, and picked up a few notes. I think that Ice Scepter is over powered early game, maybe make it cost like 75 more lumber or so, skulls should give 30 lumber, 20 is really low, move builder bolt down by the build icon maybe, to make it easier to notice (I only found it this game lol), make it so that chaos tower needs aa level 4, since at about the time you can get chaos tower, you need it lvl 4 for the air. Also maybe a little more time (I only need like 10 seconds more) to build.
Edit: Also maybe make an exception for the 7 level rule for air, and have the last level have air also, so that people don't just downgrade aa for money and use it on other towers. Or make it so you only get like 25% per downgrade for aa tower.
Last thing: I feel that spells with a lot of levels (Frost Nova etc.) are too under powered at the beginning. I mean really, only 30 damage!?
It was only easy, but we had like 3 chaos towers and almost all upgraded normal ones, so I think that could take on maybe up to hard.
Nice mb53!
What difficulty was it on?
I left "leaver gold" in as a bonus for not being a quitter.
Also made a replay for maze examples.
Yay me and 2 others beat it today. But we had 2 leavers who gave us all of their gold, so it made it easier on us. Also, I only leaked one (on level 5) all game. I also agree that units should be 3, but I also agree to get some nicer spells =P
For my maze I just do something along the lines of this:
/ \ \
/ / / / /
/ / / / /
/ / / / /
/ / / / /
/ / / / /
/ / / / /
/ / / / /
__/___/ /
It doesn't turn out exactly like that in game, but thats what I do. I also see a lot of people do the swirly spiral maze thing
| | ________________________ |
| | | _____________________ | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | |____|___|___|___|___| | | |
| |________________________| | |
|_____________________________| |
Exit |
Lets hope those turn out in the actual post lol!
Edit: Nope, =( looks like nibbits doesn't like spaces there for no reason, but I don't want to delete my hard work, so I will just leave it there =P.
Does anyone have a replay of this map that could show me a good way to set up my maze? I'm kinda new to tower defense maps and mazing isn't my strong suit.
I'm hoping to have time to implement "Responses" to reviews tomorrow. It will probably be limited to authors, but I'm not entirely sure yet.
That is fine and thank you for the "better" ratting but the map deserves a 4 or 5 for sound. Turn your sound effects on! Just that you didn't catch that makes me doubt your reviewing ability.
Can you tell me how having you play a map more then once is a "rare" thing but only prompts you to give the map a replay value of 4?
...and seriously "So many mistakes"? There really aren't that many mistakes mec.
Also I think I deserve a 3 for units because although you disagree with the heroes matching their spells and the lack of variety of the towers (aside from my wanting them to be common out of my own doing), they are useful and serve their purpose. Also the Minion with the armor balance, are at least 3/5.
So for a map that has been top 10 for 2+ months (whether mine or not) doesn't deserve even one 5 rating in any category?
W/E mec wc3 is dying anyway, imo. Unless they fix this over abundance of bots, which isn't going to be a reality unless for the release of sc2.
So... its been interesting trying to get my unique style of mapping across to you, and try to remember mec,
fun is a factor too!
I've reviewed my review (no pun intended). My opinions are still the same (I don't plan changing that until another release of the map), I just realized my ratings didn't reflect it properly, so I've came up with a numeric system that will hopefully be more precise.
ZTD was my main influence for this map! :O
All hail Zoator!
*Also Damage type vs Armor is the backbone of the map. All tower tooltips show their affect on all armor types.
3. Hero spells that mach is simply a judgment call, pure opinion. I have made 5 hero maps and I keep basically the same heroes and kind of mix the spells around a little for flavor but they have all been awesome heroes in my opinion. Sorry you don't agree. I made certain abilities have less levels on purpose. Auras all have 3 levels, same with level 6 spells. AOE have the most as they are ks spells and everything else is either balanced to its type or keeping it to where you can still pick a spell for every skill point you get because the heroes lvl cap is 30. (If you played Lazerus Hero D you would remember a lil problem not being to spend skill points because the lvl cap for the spells were too high)
4. I like the simpleness of the towers. This is an important thing to me. In my opinion you don't need all "weird" kinds of towers to make a good map. What is important to me is having solid towers that people recognize. Also the challenge is still present with the towers I use. I am in a band too, and when creating music it's not how fast and flashy you play, its how good you sound. Simple can really rock!
5. Oh, the load screen. I don't think any map needs a load screen in my opinion. They take up too much memory, (hence the lowqual of mine(still looks neat)) and really can throw a person off for what they are going to encounter in game. I only made that loader to have a thumbnail on this site. Thought that the auto gen for the preview was the loader. Still for the size I think it is original, simple, and does its job well. I use alot of imports and can't afford space for a nice picture for people to look at for 18.7 seconds of load time. Go to deviantart.com if you like to look at cool pics, again back to simple being important.
Thanx a million for the review, please get back to me on this. Also what is that DEMO badge?
Hmm. A review! Kinda brutal but very... detailed.
I like that your doing reviews mec but I don't think I will heed any of your suggestions and I can tell you why. Briefly I have heard them before but don't think that they are changes for "my" map. Nor do I agree with your rating.
1. Yes there was a time when there was more info for the heroes, but I reduced this for the fact that people were having info overload. Most of the names for spells are wc spells so its not hard to see what does what, (-repick as many as you want before your hero dies). If anything I could add a All Heroes tab in the F9. Also there is an icon I named all heroes on the builder that at one point had all the info but the field wasn't big enough, so now it only showing the lvl 6 spells.
2. I really like my tower tooltips and think there is just enough info? All towers have 700 range and the same attack speed unless noted in the tip. The Ice Cube/Poison towers needs to show the spell info for each upgrade. The other towers show next lvl damage.
TRENT: A fast splash with a small Aoe. Seige attack. |n40 damage. 800 range. Also has the Tree Sap abillity that stops |c0000ffffair|r units.|n|c0000ff00150% Fortified|n150% Unarmored|r|n|c00ffcc00100%Light|n100% Heavy|r|n|c00df010150% Medium|n50% Hero|r |n|n|cffffcc00Attacks land and air units.|r
ICE CUBE: |cffffcc00WARNING: Purchace this only if you already own other towers. Do not mass!|r|n|c00088A85Slowing|r Tower with Normal damage. 600 range.|nLevel 1: |c00FF00009|r-|c00FF000012|r damage, 25% slowing affect for 1 second. Very Small Splash.|nLevel 2: 21-34 damage, 25% slow for 2.5 seconds, Small Splash.|nLevel 3: 71-74 damage, 25% slow for 4 seconds, Good Sized Splash.|nLevel 4: 141-144 damage 25% slow for 5 seconds, Very Large Splash.|n|c0000ff00150% Hero|r|n|c00ffcc00100% Light|n100% Medium|n100% Heavy|n100% Unarmored|r|n|c00df010170% Fortified|r |n|n|cffffcc00Attacks land and air units.|r
You're right ST, I'll try to improve that on next review. Ty for the tip.
And I played Zoator a long long time ago. Don't even remember it properly.
EDIT: Oh yeah, it's improving because I've been playing the map for some versions and it's clearly getting better. It's demo because even if it's improving, I'd not say it's a version "ready" for serious gaming. Potential is pretty obvious in my review.
Excellent review meta, I'd say the one thing your reviews could use are per-post bolded information, IE: for every picture you attach have a section (or maybe 2-3 per section) as to why it is that. Like you explained why you thought it was innovative, why the balance was boring, and the tooltips were off, but you didn't quite say why its improving, demo, or potential -- the demo almost seems out of place since the map is pretty much content-rich.
Also-- have you ever played Zoator (Solo) TD? I always thought that was a clever use for heroes.
In short, this map has lots of flaws, but it's built around some very nice concepts. It's a hybrid of TD and Hero Defense (with much more focus on the TD, for the matter) that has problems with both heroes and towers. Even with this, the map is pretty fun and innovative. I recommend playing it a few times with friends to enjoy a good game experience, and then come back in a few versions to see the improvement.
My badges for Lazerus TD 5.0:

PS: I'm testing a new format of review this time, tell me if you think it needs more modifications.
Even with so many mistakes, this map managed to make me play it a few times in a row (which is not something easy). It has so many new concepts built around a simple tower defense that somehow give it a very enjoying gaming experience. To name a few:
Talking about standards, this map has a serious problem regarding hero skills. Although the map is a TD, one can't deny that the heroes have a very important role in it, I even spend more time microing my hero than building my maze some times. Heroes have almost random skills that don't match the hero's role, neither his others skills. And worse, the skills have random levels and tooltips. Some heroes have skills with 10 levels, others with 6, others with 3.. a total mess.
The worst thing about this map (everything until now had work-arounds) is the lack of good towers. Come on, it's a TOWER defense! This map has only a few different types of towers, and doesn't take advantage of the HUGE variety of abilities that World Editor can fit into a tower. Lazerus TD only has slow poison and cold from the classic towers, and ALL THE REST are the same tower basically, differing only in damage type. This is BORING. Since the towers don't have abilities, most of the time you don't bother with them, because you can build only the "good" ones if you want.
Now the good side. Although I may have sounded like a devil's advocate, pointing the weaknesses of a map are more important than pointing its strengths, so the map maker can work on what's wrong.
My review for Lazerus TD 5.0:
It's nice to have a chance to review an innovative td during its early stages, and to have a chance to see it improving over time. Anyway, let's begin...
Let's start with the basics, shall we? If you're going to make a screen with a fancy background containing only the map name, don't make it the loading screen, that's what the preview picture is for. Loading screens should be either a nice piece of art which players like to look at during the few seconds of loading time, or a nice information text teaching the basics of the game or telling what has changed since the last version (you can always include everything on the same loading screen). Also, loading and preview screens are the first thing that the player will see before playing the map, and can make a big impact on the expectation, ranging from "meh, another kid's map" to "seems promising".
If you're going to make an introduction scene (they're risky), make sure they explain almost everything the player needs to learn to play the game, and MAKE SURE PLAYERS CAN SKIP IT!
Another thing that shows if the game is "professional" or not, is the quality of the information. A game in which a player has to take guesses is incomplete, no matter what. This game has two big problems with tooltips:
Neat. Glad that you liked it D.
Yes I must admit that there is a medium learn curve but easily adaptable the second time through. If you notice that the map starts out cinematic mode in the hero area as you watch 6 heroes run to the spawn zone and fight minion, with text that explains this method. If there is net lagg or if a person isn't staring directly at the screen on start then a player might then miss, as I made it very short to keep people from freaking out trying to get the game to start.
Ahhh Lazerus the hero. No op. Infact he is harder to use then other heroes (much Macro).
He is stronger, particularly the manipulation spell. When Coupled with the -auto on Lazerus can amass an ARMY(of one).
Being as that air and bosses are focus points I made triggered spells for each. Dante's Demise does extra damage to air and the Neck Clamp is very nice to kill bosses.
Now the Ulti (Uber Monsoon) for Laz isn't anything special. Just an AOE with some trigger effects for looks.
@bukan: I am not quite sure of your meaning? They (the creeps) path straight through the maze area and then tele to the hero area thus to path straight (with attack order) to The One Box.
Then Air paths to the edge and then to the opposite edge then to the port, that is just balanced to the AA tower and difficulty of the air round.