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- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- DotA Allstars v6.66b
DotA Allstars v6.66b
Rank 685 out of 61,557 in WarCraft 3
This map is part of the DotA Allstars project.
A newer version of this map, Deadlock, is available.
Choose from 97 unique heroes in an epic battle to defend the Ancients.
More information at www.PlayDotA.com
- Categories:
- AoS (Dota-like)
- Author:
- IceFrog
- Filename:
- DotA Allstars v6.66b.w3x
- Project Page:
- DotA Allstars
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 6.8 MB
- Overall Rating:
3 / 5 (22 votes, ranked #52) - Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- 10
- Teams:
- 2
- Dimensions:
- 128x128
- Playable Area:
- 118x120
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 636
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Hosted (Total):
- 289,347
- Hosted (Daily):
- n/a
- Discovered On:
- Jan. 30, 2010
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DotA Allstars v6.66b
DotA Allstars v6.66b.w3x (6.8 MB)
- Released:
- Jan. 30, 2010
- Downloads:
- 636
- Rating:
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- Opinion:
22 votes considered -
- Good
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- Top 100 Jan. 31, 2010
User Comments
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No sense adding DotA here, just go the official site.
Best map in WC3 , nothing to prove.
Why do we even have this map in this site? DotA is everywhere!
DotA is one of the most popular Warcraft 3 maps ever created.
It even spawned a genre called the DOTA BASED GAME genre.
How cool is that?
Visit http://getdota.com for Official DotA maps.
Website is: http://www.playdota.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/playdota
Not working? i guess it worked for everyone else that posted here.
Could you be more specific?
this one is not working :S it sucks :S
your review sucks....it's exact the oposit you wrote there..just play the game with 4 friends on a saturday night...some beers...and it will get a lot of fun and there are a lot of combinations..i only bought warcraft3 for dota i hate war3 single player...i also like TD but dota rulez and it's a lot of fun..i recomand you dota-league best players there no noobs
i dislike dota because of its unbalance its OP units and the creeps are pretty pointless after awhile. i suck at DotA but thats because people who play it play it ALL the time so its har to get good at the game. plus if you do basicly anything you can get gold from it. so i totally agree with the review.
i love this game to pieces....one of the better multi-player games out there for WarCraft because of its time consuming nature...but other then that i would rather play a TD and the rest are right on battle net i have seen it spammed almost to the point of which i would rather host a LAN match of it just to have some real fun and not just some BassHunter wanna-bes
do anyone know how to combine items like Dota in world edit???
For some reason, the first time I read the only review for this map I really thought it was a uncyclopedia article.
But anyways, although this map constantly breaks and unbalances things, you have got to admire the amount of work put into it. The only real problem I have with this map is that the amount and the kind of people who play it. Usually people who nerd rage. I cant play a single game on this map without a complete ***hole disrupting everything
wow. the reviewer is saying that milions of people who are playing dota are playing a sucky map & have made the wrong decision?
Really I have and I can say at that point its more about the people your hanging out with and not so much the game, we could have been playing any game and had fun.
People play DotA because people play it. Plain and simple. As in a snowball effect.
Its just it needs ton of improvement before it can truly be great in my mind.
I kinda agree about the review.
Everything in that review is true.
The creeps are weak ingame,unbalanced heroes,unbalanced spells,original spells from WC3 and the point of the Gamplay.
I quite disagree with the review made for this game.
Yes some players do whine and cry and that is because they haven't really got around having a team of five friends or even 10 playing Lan and screaming at each other while having a smoke and drinking beers. Once you get the feel of the game and learn enough it is rather addictive. I have played this custom map for at the least, 5 years now. There are millions of people playing this game directly quoting the current map maker of DotA "Not counting China, the player base is estimated to be somewhere between 7-11 million". "Chinese DotA audience is about 40-50% of the worldwide audience"
That just shows what level a custom map in a game has come to. So if you are saying this map sucks, 10 million people will not agree with you.
Edit: missed out the main point i started talking.:S rant ftl.
Although i disagree with your review, yes DotA does need improvements and balancing because every time it is assumed a bit balanced one of the 10 freaking million people come up with a strategy that is unstoppable and voila. unbalanced. This game will forever need balancing
DotA is one of the best maps ever made, as in it was the staple for all 'AOS'* and a cornerstone for what Balance had the potential to be... in 2005.
Still it has helped kept B.Net alive procuring leet players in a very competitive environment, and B.Net has grown when said players need a 'break' from DotA and join a Project of some lone mapmaker.
With all that blab, I must say that I was very impresses with the review that was given. DotA is not a gleaming unattainable affirmation of the end of maps. Every one of the points in the review were things that could make the game better. True that the review was harsh on the point scale but as a map maker...
if someone could give me a review on a map I made with so many clear improvements, I would welcome the criticism.
Very nice and worthwhile review steventhk.
*AOS stands for Aeon of Strife, a type of map where 2 teams have 3 lanes and spawns to fight each other.
Search '3 corridors' or 'D-Day'.
I agree w/ mb53, it definitley is not one of my fav maps, and some things in the review are correct, but it is definitley not a "Needs a lot of improvement" map. Maybe "Ok, changes here, there, but overall a decent map" would definitley fit better.
Wow, I don't like this map that much, but I wouldn't give it that bad of a review... I don't think that you even understand the point of this map... I don't feel like getting into a fight right now so:
That is all.
LOVE DOTA BEST GAME EVER!!!! i like the liches old ability better though
Slark, the murloc should be greatly nerfed (weakened) though.
DotA is the BEST AoS in WarCraft, no doubt.
Dcramer did you forget to add this map to the DOTA project?