- Nibbits
- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- Survival RPG .77.w3x
Survival RPG .77.w3x
Rank 243 out of 61,557 in WarCraft 3
This map is part of the Survival RPG .77.w3x project.
Made by Shadow_Templar.
This is a Clan ORPG Production.
Visit us at www.clanorpg.tk
This Map is an RPG with 12 hero classes. This map has save/load. Unique features include: A mini dota, PvP, Dog Tag System, Rank System, and much much more!
- Categories:
- Role Playing (RPG)
- Author:
- Shadow_Templar 9
- Filename:
- Survival RPG .77.w3x
- Project Page:
- Survival RPG .77.w3x
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 1.6 MB
- Overall Rating:
3 / 5 (3 votes, ranked #238) - Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- 8
- Teams:
- 3
- Dimensions:
- 224x256
- Playable Area:
- 218x244
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 3,307
- Downloads (Daily):
- 1 (ranked #785)
- Hosted (Total):
- 105
- Hosted (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Shadow_Templar 9
- Discovered On:
- Dec. 17, 2009
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- JavaScript Widget:
Survival RPG .77.w3x
Survival RPG .77.w3x (1.6 MB)
- Released:
- Dec. 17, 2009
- Downloads:
- 3,307
- Direct Link:
Download Map
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- Opinion:
3 votes considered -
- Neutral
- Terrain:
- Units:
- Sound:
- Replay Value:
Your Rating
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- Top 100 Dec. 19, 2009
User Comments
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Pretty cool map, I like playing it! :)
Good to see, that you've updated it for 1.24!
-Survival Mode: Doubled spawn time on Undead Brutes from 2 seconds to 4 seconds
-Survival Mode: Removed all neutral hostile units from the game when survival mode is picked.
-Survival Mode: Removed all units in the AoS from the game when survival mode is picked.
-Survival Mode: Modified Terrain pathing for Survival Mode.
-Survival Mode: Creep Tip message disables when survival mode is picked.
-Survival Mode: Save Tip message disables when survivial mode is picked.
-Survival Mode: Removed Shadow_Templar
-Survival Mode: Modified Terrain and defenses
-Survival Mode: The area is now passively visible to all players.
-Modified Loading Screen Data
-Changed Tip fo say "Shadow_Templar" instead of "Shadow_BH
-Changed all Line of Defense towers to have no ground textures.
-Fixed Story mode conflicting with survival mode