- Nibbits
- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- Enfo's TS:MT Edition 1.88
Enfo's TS:MT Edition 1.88
1.88 (February 6, 2009)
- New hero added: Revenant.
- Ahlen's Cataclysmic Strike now increases its AoE and ...
1.88 (February 6, 2009)
- New hero added: Revenant.
- Ahlen's Cataclysmic Strike now increases its AoE and duration each level.
- Bard's Faenella's Grace now works even if the hero is not the killer (just like Enfeeble) and now gives 50% more experience.
- Bard's Call of the Siren had its duration and damage increased.
- Battle Chanter's Muse's Inspiration now works with Magic Infuser's Empower Armor.
- Faenrae Champion's Inner Chaos had his splash damage slightly decreased.
- Paladin's Chadratu's Blessing now properly works with channeling abilities.
- Ranger's Favored Enemy will display a message when the player attacks a "wrong" creep.
- Shadow Priest's Enfeeble had its effect increased.
- Shadow Priest's Enfeeble doesn't remove Empath's Regenerate anymore.
- Shadow Priest's Greater Hallucination now has the color of the target unit.
- Shadow Priest's Preservation now doesn't bug the multiboard.
- Summoner's Anti-Magic Field now doesn't work on Ice Fortress.
- Trader's Guild shop now has a level skip requirement of 2.
- Trader's Guild Shop's Scroll of Teleportation now doesn't share cooldown with Winger Leather Boots/Elite Elven Boots.
- Trader's Glittering Prizes now has its effect displayed at monter's bounty.
- Troll Cannibal's Soul Drain is now fixed.
- Warlock's Disrupt now works if there's no enemy spellbringer (training mode).
- Warlock's Energy Flare had its casting time and cooldown decreased.
- Warlock's Silence now affects most skills in the game (including auras).
- Warlock's Silence was renamed to Spellcurse.
- Warrior Mage's Fire Rain had its damage slightly reduced.
- Warrior Mage's Aether Lance now deals proper damage.
- Added the new Game Modes: Extra Bounty, Old Waves, One Pick, No Left XP, Solo, Draft, Stable, No Share, Extra Time, Shared Bounty, Vote and Random (now set with a in-game command).
- Tome of Retraining had its gold cost increased.
- Anti Magic Potion had its gold cost increased.
- Anti Magic Potion now doesn't work if the hero is silenced.
- Dwarven Pride was totally remade.
- Nimsha now won't bug with Paladins's Righteous Wrath and Ranger's Nature Lore.
- Waves 3, 5, 8, 17, 18, 24, 25 and 29 now spawn two types of monsters.
- Gold given by the first bonus wave was increased.
- Added a time to type in game modes.
- Players won't be able to summon during the rematch.
- New score/statistics chart is displayed at rematch (beta).
- Game tips are displayed every 30 seconds.
- Pierce damage now deals proper damage agains fortified armor.
- Game will end if there's any team with no players.
- Players that have not picked any hero will have a hero picked randomly at the 4th wave.
- Difficulty Vote now works properly: if there's a tie, the difficulty closer to Normal will be kept.
- Difficulty vote is now off by default.
- Wave 22 and 26 now have Beastslay when darkrifted.
- It's not possible to cast Darkrift during rematch anymore.
- Grazhir's Effigy's summons now won't have Troll Cannibal's Behead.
- New command: "-cheats".
- New command: "-z.near".
- New command: "-z.far".
- New command: "-z.norm".
- New command: "-ghost" (requires cheat mode).
- You can now type the difficulty during the game modes time, to skip the dialog window.
- Repicking will no longer be abusable.
- Categories:
- (No categories yet)
- Author:
- mecatronic 6
- Filename:
- Enfos_MT_V188.w3x
- Project Page:
- Enfo's TS:MT Edition
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 1.4 MB
- Overall Rating:
1 / 5 (5 votes, ranked #887) - Tags:
- defense, enfo, enfos, offensives, spellbringer, team
- Players:
- 8
- Teams:
- 2
- Dimensions:
- 160x128
- Playable Area:
- 160x124
- Favorites:
- 2
- Downloads (Total):
- 1,387
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Hosted (Total):
- 11
- Hosted (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- mecatronic 6
- Discovered On:
- Feb. 6, 2009
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- JavaScript Widget:
Enfo's TS:MT Edition 1.88
Enfos_MT_V188.w3x (1.4 MB)
- Released:
- Feb. 6, 2009
- Downloads:
- 1,387
- Direct Link:

(No Preview Available)
- Opinion:
5 votes considered -
- Neutral
- Terrain:
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- Featured Feb. 6, 2009
- Top 10 Feb. 7, 2009
- Top 100 Feb. 7, 2009
- 1,000 Downloads May 27, 2009
User Comments
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So far I think MT version is the best from Envos.
Great job from MT clan!
I don't know what you're talking about. I just played a game in random mode and no one could repick.
Please stop trolling ok?
I play 1.91 becouse it doesn't have -repick command for random mode
Great to hear that!
Sometimes I played those spanish versions of enfos, they have awesome Heroes.. Makes a lot fun to play, although most people don't understand it, it's still playable by most people, who know Enfos well!
You could get some ideas from those maps, with some extraordinary Heroes (Also some Custom Models will help, with Heroes, Effects, or whatever ;))
@zy: I've MADE the official 1.91, and -repick does work in it.
@SlyRipper: thanks man. We're still working on some important stuff to to have a version stable enough to run our tournaments. After it we'll go back to work on new heroes.
i have official 1.91 version where -repick command is disabled
Great map.. I mostly play this Enfos map!
It's one of the most played ones and runs stable with many custom heroes and a lot of fun ;)
(Could need some new heroes, or add some hidden heroes, when picking random.. It's getting old with the time.. people play it that often, but it's a long time, that there was a new hero added!)
i have no idea of what you're talking about, -repick command works in 1.91 as always.
mecatronic 1.91 dont have -repick command and it is very good. -repick - feature for kids who want play 1 hero. more kids love this map -> more ppl at site -> more money.
what do you mean? There has never been a command to deny repick.
there is no way to block -repick command here as opposed to 1.91.
1.91 is better.
this is not the last version.
here it is: http://www.nibbits.com/wc3/maps/view/125228/
thannk u. I like this map
I love this map. To each his own.
that's because it's one of the most hosted maps on battle.net
agree! dont knw why it can still ranked number 1 here
Came across this map like 7 years ago and looking at it now, it has not changed much. Checking out the heroes and found out that many spells are the warcraft original abilities, with modification. Good combination but hero story is needed. Problem for this, hero quality is not as good as it had been all along.
Now hosting 1.88 on the bot.