- Nibbits
- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- Lazerus TD 6.0b
Build a maze and place some towers to keep from leaking the minion that try to get through.
Use a hero to defend "The One Box" from the leaks of your team.
Win by making it through 50 rounds or fail if "The One Box" dies.
Change Log
-Newer better easier to read Multi-Board and tool-tips for all the stuff, items, towers show damage and cost for every up-grade...
-10 more rounds with every round having a minion with an ability, ...
-Newer better easier to read Multi-Board and tool-tips for all the stuff, items, towers show damage and cost for every up-grade...
-10 more rounds with every round having a minion with an ability, making it really freaking hard to beat.
-1 more secret hero, Tigerian Slicer. Sorry, (would have added 12 heroes but I can't find enough spells worthy of giving to them) let me know if you have any non-leaking, non-outlandish or map destroying/cooler then any spell ever made, USABLE spells.
-Banking System, with a real floating Bank that can do transactions so you don't have to type if you don't want to (keeping your money business to your self). Bank gives 5% every round.
-Item Recipes, secret combinations, up to 21 new items. They are secret because the items sell for 100%. Every time you combine 2 items it takes the attributes of those two items and adds a little to each one. Azure Sword (+10dam) combined with a Skull Helm (+5arm) = Skull Sword (+12dam and +6arm).
-3 new towers, Multi-Shot, Rapidfire, Skull Cannon. This new bread of Uber Tower can only be built with prerequisite levels of certain towers. The Chaos tower needs level three of all of these towers.
-No lives, No modes, No red benefits. Old School 3.0 status. All dash commands will be for every one.
Example: -help player can be done by any player.
-Handicap System. If you have 0 leaks your minion spawn in hard mode (+2 armor). If you leak 1 then your in Normal mode (normal armor 100% HP). Then every 10 leaks you get 5% off your spawns health points.
50 leaks = 75% HP.
-A vote to stop player system. Won't kick them just stops their spawn and they get to keep their hero. They will also get a practice builder for their spawn.
You can stop yourself at any time by typing -stop me.
Reviews (Submit a Review)
Lacking, but with a Bright Future
Reviewed by mecatronic 6 on March 23, 2010
My review for Lazerus TD 5.0: It's nice to have a chance to review an innovative td during its early stages, and to have a chance to see it improving over time. Anyway, let's begin... Let's s...
- Categories:
- Defense (Competitive)
- Author:
- Lazerus 5
- Filename:
- Lazerus TD v6.0b.w3x
- Latest Version:
- Lazerus TD 6.0b
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 3.3 MB
- Tags:
- defense, hero, survivor, team, tower
- Players:
- 6
- Teams:
- 2
- Dimensions:
- 96x96
- Playable Area:
- 82x84
- Favorites:
- 2
- Downloads (Total):
- 1,714
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Lazerus 5
- Discovered On:
- Sept. 29, 2010
Share Map
- JavaScript Widget:
Lazerus TD 6.0b
Lazerus TD v6.0b.w3x (3.3 MB)
- Released:
- Sept. 29, 2010
- Downloads:
- 305
- Direct Link:

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What changed in this version?
Great TD, I like it as much as ST's War, and You. These 3 are very unique making them fun.
Ok. I don't doc my changes like most mappers but as an over view. About 20 bugs fixed. Including a double spawn at round 32, and Phuking Bull Honk Kaboom is nerfed.
New features:
Multi Board overhaul: Same info in a more user friendly format.
Block Trigger: Units will not kill your towers if you block, all new, unique block trigger in place.
Builder "Info" Items: Builder has 5 new Info items.
Feathers: If you kill all the air in that round you gain a feather. Feathers give hero bonuses.
Maze Mode: If you leak too many, you are given a "Practice Builder". Make a maze for free and test it using a noob spawn. You can even build a tower to kill the noob, to see if your maze is going to work.
I know there is more, but I will add more if I remember, and thus prompts me to make a log. To see more try thr map :p
oops can you remove this lol, cant see how that happened.
Since I am not high enough level to send messages (...) here:
No, I don't typically play with sound on, so I gave it no opinion. I will take your word for it and give it 5 stars lol. And no, I did not say it was funner by far lol, besides I gave it 5 stars, don't complain =P
hey there isn't a link from 4.0
what do you mean? there shouldn't be a link to the older version of the map. There's a link to the project page up here already.
NO 4.0 doesnt link here!
that's because the 4.0 you're referring to does not belong to the project.
there are two maps with the same name: http://www.nibbits.com/wc3/maps/view/131413/lazerus-td-40 and http://www.nibbits.com/wc3/maps/view/131311/lazerus-td-40
that's why.
btw, you should post a change log somewhere.
Ok this is the one that I will be hosting with my bot, that I got to work finaly, untill I get enough glich changes to put out 5.0
So this is the one, least glich and best playability. Thanks.
You should have a way to unstuck creeps. Someone left in the middle of a round and there were creeps stuck in her lane. So we had to leave D=
-debug works just fine
Good to hear you got your bot working! =D
If mb didn't know about debug, (and hes a big TD player) do you have adequate reference for telling players about antistuck?
No, but I think that is a good idea. There is so much text info if I add a check to show the tip then I ought to just invent a trigger that runs the debug automatically.. Might be in 5.0 if not just a tip.
What? Is that a statement?
OH somebody removed that post, wish I could edit my posts.
A little glitchy sometimes but good!
Ya, I found 2 glitches where the spawns stopped and was able to fix one of them and finagle the other to work better.
I noticed alot of people complaining about lagg and so I dl a new leak chk and found a bunch of group leaks and fixed them so it is less laggy. The weather fx were laggy too so i revamped them. I am testing 4.9999 (lol) right now so hope that 5.0 will be better for you. As for a change log, its stuff that you shouldn't even notice, in other words, if the game runs smooooth from start to fin.
Thanx for the comment but I can't read your rating info, it's white on white.
Needs more towers, and needs to be different than other Tower Defenses. If you make this map unique, I think it will be a very popular game (not saying it isn't popular already).
There is another map where leaks go to heroes and you get rewards for beating air and boss levels, etc etc etc? This TD is very unique. That's why I rate this, ST's TD, and YouTD a 5.
There are many maps like this. I'm not saying this map is bad, so you don't have to go crazy and start flaming...
I think I know of... NONE maps like this. I give credit to sunken cross for the S style maze area and Zoator for the Hero idea(cept his heroes didnt fight the leaks). Other then that, I make my own stuff up. Comming from you, a copy cat, I don't take alot of stock in your opinion. (If my post gets deleted again I am going to flip out)
As for the maps I know are somewhat like mine:
Bayus Firestorm; came out before my map but I didn't hear about it untill I was working on 1.3
Splitter TD; who stole the idea from me. If you notice that my td v1.0 was out before the heroes were added to spitter td.
Most of his towers are unique, his gameplay is more or less unique, and using low-scale numbers in a TD is rarely seen. Also, mb wasn't flaming lol, he was just proving his point.
Flaming is used to offend someone. When Lazerus sends me messages that can be offensive, and posts offensive comments on maps, it is considered flaming.
"Friendly Host your full of nonsense and I would hope a person so out of touch with reality would not like my TD. If I was someone who you could get something from you would probably rate a 1 and be all over my PMs. You’re a fiend for attn. and your opinion means nothing to me." -Lazerus
Enough said.
I still feel that way and someone removed that comment from here. That is not flamming, that is just speaking my mind. In my opinion you need to open your mind and also try the games you post about more then once/twice.