- Nibbits
- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- Evolution Of Races V2.7.1 Ice Cube
Map contains 13 races Centaur, Draenei, Demon (Burning Legion), Forsook (Forsaken), Goblin, Human, Naga, Night Elves, Orc, Satyr, Sindorei (Blood Elves), Tuskarr, and Undead. They have evolved into ...
Map contains 13 races Centaur, Draenei, Demon (Burning Legion), Forsook (Forsaken), Goblin, Human, Naga, Night Elves, Orc, Satyr, Sindorei (Blood Elves), Tuskarr, and Undead. They have evolved into functional societies to build armies worthy enough to put a fight against the original four or against each other.
Map Specs:
- Redone Ice Cube map into Free For All Map.
- Various Creep.
- Map playable as single or multi-player.
- Map has a -ally and -unally system.
- Hero limit is 4.
- Food limit is 150.
- New units, buildings, heroes, and abilities.
- Map is protected.
Credits of borrowed icons, triggers and models are shown within Map Info.
Download and play additional maps of Evolution Of Races - Barren Eye and Leaflet Forest
Map is created by fokyip any questions, problems or inquires email fokyip@gmail.com
* Centaur utilized the force of stamina to allow hit and runs as well as quickly defending bases.
* Demon - Undetermined
* Draenei specializes in magic abilities that greatly damages opposing armies during battle.
* Forsook focuses on the preservation of units allowing them to endure longer during battle.
* Goblins focus on quick production of units of high agility units who attack very quickly.
* Human - Undetermined
* Night Elf specializes in strong aggressive units that allows them to dominate in battle.
* Naga concentrates on creating adaptive units that counter act against any unit in battle.
* Orc thrives on developing an early attack force that greatly affects the development process of opponents.
* Satyr focuses on damaging an army as a whole decreasing hp per second.
* Sindorei each unit have a special skill that allows them to battle with unusual abilities.
* Undead can build a self sustaining army if utilized properly they can defeat anyone in battle.
* Tuskarr disrupts the performances of opposing armies and increases the attributes of friendly units.
"Open Source" template map is available to download. I realized that I was angry at two individuals who downloaded the latest open source version of my map and claimed it as there own in a matter of months hence why there all later versions were protected.
I want people to actually learn and utilize my object editor not to claim my map so it occurred to me that I should make a template map duh!!
Allowing map developer to see what I have done and to create branch version or there own projects from my project. I would like to get some kind of credit but I realized I can control people who discredits my work. You can download my template map from www.fokyip.com/wc3 enjoy!!
Change Log
Patch notes for Evolution Of Races V2.7.1
- Fixed A Whirlpool Leak.
- Fixed A Victory/Defeat Leak.
- Map converted Barren Eye into a Free For All map.
- Removed Titans.
- Fixed Heaver bug.
- Created a upgrade ability for Malevolence.
- Fixed 22 tip tool.
- Fixed Barrage Of Nets ability.
- Changed attributes of Healer, Iceberg Whelp, Sorcerer, Static Lizard, Impaler, Magnataur Hoplite, Brute, Pillager.
- Changed all Mages armour to unarmored.
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- Categories:
- Assault Defense (Team) Mass Control
- Author:
- Fokyip
- Filename:
- E.O.R. V2.7.1 - Ice CubeOpt.w3x
- Latest Version:
- Evolution Of Races V2.7.1 Ice Cube
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 3.5 MB
- Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- 8
- Teams:
- 1
- Dimensions:
- 128x128
- Playable Area:
- 116x116
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 112
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- fokyip 3
- Discovered On:
- March 27, 2010
Share Map
- JavaScript Widget:
Evolution Of Races V2.7.1 Ice Cube
E.O.R. V2.7.1 - Ice CubeOpt.w3x (3.5 MB)
- Released:
- March 27, 2010
- Downloads:
- 146
- Direct Link:

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