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- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- ViG's Golem Wars v1.08
UPDATE INFO: *Loading Lag Fixed* *Heros Skills Rebalanced* *Tutorial Redone* *Other Minor Balancing Issues* v1.08
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- Categories:
- Defense (Competitive)
- Author:
- ViG
- Filename:
- ViG's Golem Wars OPTD.w3x
- Latest Version:
- ViG's Golem Wars v1.08
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 1.8 MB
- Overall Rating:
2 / 5 (11 votes, ranked #80) - Tags:
- (No tags yet)
- Players:
- 8
- Teams:
- 2
- Dimensions:
- 96x96
- Playable Area:
- 84x84
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 1,472
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Hosted (Total):
- 1,422
- Hosted (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- mb53 5
- Discovered On:
- March 13, 2010
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ViG's Golem Wars v1.08
ViG's Golem Wars OPTD.w3x (1.8 MB)
- Released:
- March 13, 2010
- Downloads:
- 1,652
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- Opinion:
11 votes considered -
- Good
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Fun game! Could be a little bit more balanced though.
If you are talking about units, it is pretty balanced. You just have to pick the right units to counter. If you don't, then it may seem unbalanced. If your talking about golems, then yeah, I agree.
I have been playing this game a bit.
Very simple spawn type foot map. Also a clone of another map I played 5 years ago, unless it was an earlier ver of this, can't recall.
I finally beat a fullhouse today. I noticed that it is really just a race to get kills to up your tiers.
Golems are weak in my opinion. The hero Golems are fine but hard to micro. There is some imbalance with the food limit and some other stuff.
Fun game.
Well then it is an imbalance with the last tier, because I haven't had a problem with first and second tier battles, but as soon as you get air its gg.
I guess, but I've never been in a game where anyone got all the way to air =P
So maybe it is imbalanced, I dunno.
Heroes are a bit unbalanced, coming from someone who cant help but exploit the sin. And another glitch with air besides unbalanced as is, is the fact healer air does NOT count toward your food total.
Temples of Syrinx, I fight you. I own a magical music scepter of comparable power, and I vanquish your unreasonably tyrannical reign with uniqueness and freethinking!!!!
I am a member of the Rush 2112 Army.
As for the golemwars game, ahh I did not know about that air glitch.
Ok I am pissed.
Two times now this acid throwing hero has ruined my game!
I am sick of this imbalance, either fix the map or stop bot hosting it. I am serious, wth top ten map?
I am changing my rating to a 1! Seriously how hard is it to balance this game. Give it to me, I will do it!
An aoe hero who is Invisable should not be able to KILL 45 troops in one cast.
If it wasn't invisi and took units to 1/3 hp as in a pre strike move fine.
Poof... out of nowhere 1/2 my units are dead? User of this Acid hero said, "oh its not imba, there are other heroes with = moves, like the PoTM can base kill from afar". HELLO!!! Having one imba unit is not enough? Having more then one does not make them balanced. It makes the game MORE imba!
Seriously fix this map if you are going to make it a bot host. So many bot hosts these days that hosting should be reserved for actual balanced playable finished games!
great map!! really enjoy it... except for that assassin hero... ruining the map completely...
how do you get assassin?
who i becam the ulti golem as hero?
This is fun, hard, and addicting!
About golems,Lazerus? What is the golem in your profile pic? Link to get it?
dont mind assassin anymore... pretty easy to kill... what needs to be changed is that damn artillery... op as fuck...