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  • the actual Zerg anti-air turrets are just fine in my opinion, and they have a few anti-air units which can devestate. I dont know how many matches have been changed by brood lords, and mutas can wreak havoc in groups. they are great for harassment of the enemy. i use a handful of mutas to confuse the enemy and possibly take out the worker line of an expansion or main base.

    it is true like someone else said that it is tough at the beginning to get anti air units, as zerglings and roaches cant touch air, and having a few air units against armies made up of those has really helped alot as far as fighting it.

    to conclude, I think that blizzard has done an excellect job in balancing all 3 factions in SC2. any race can beat any race. but they all have certain strengths and weaknesses. that make them unique and interesting.

    just my 2 cents :)


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