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  • Urrgh never say the Queen is an AA. Yes, she can attack with AA, but really, who builds more than one Queen per Hatchery? They're really only for mass production of units. They're not cost effective for their poor DpS, you're better to rush as fast as you can to Hydras than spam Queens.
    Spore Colon--.... Spore Crawlers** (Old habits die hard >.>) are effective defense but, as said, Zerg are kind of meant for offensive and not really defensive.
    I find in short games, Zerg are the way to play, but in long games Protoss shine more in all aspects. Terran are a balance between the two.
    Zerg seem to have more effective starting units with weaker end-game units, and the Terran and (especially) Protoss have less effective starters and super powerful end-game units (IE: Carriers, Motherships..etc.).
    I do think a more beefy Spore Crawler would be welcomed to minimize this (sometimes) glaring weakness, but the price needs to be adjusted accordingly. For 75 minerals, expect a weak turret, if they buffed the price to 120 and made it stronger, I wouldn't mind.


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