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  • Some interesting discussions which lead me to think, well which is the most/least useful unit. In other words, does something need to be cut or added ... details.

    Zerg - I really dislike playing them and can't make any suggestions at this time.

    Terran - My favorite. Add the female foot medic. Marines are the most useful and the Battlecruiser the least.

    Protoss - easiest for me to play, and my second favorite. Photon Cannon is my favorite unit, which I use as base defenses to turtle up. A second favorite is the Carrier. The Dark Templar I find pretty useless.

    I ought to add that the above are based on v AI games, including GT.

    I am sure in human v human, that unit usefulness would vary.

    So to recap, what units are best/worst and what should be added/cut, for each species?

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