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  • so going on memory without the working units:
    1. zerg - queen, zergling, baneling, roach, hydra, infestor, muta, corrupter, broodlord, ultralisk, overlord/overseer (i count as 1 unit, cause only overlord is practicaly equal to pylon or supply depot). so 11 Units (not counting the nudos, it's by no means a unit it's building)
    2. terran - marine, marouder, reaper, ghost, hellion, tank, thor, raven, medivac, viking, banshee, battlecruiser - 12 units
    3. protoss - zealot, stalker, sentry, high templar, archon, dark templer, immortal, colossus, observer, war prism, void raid, phoenix, carrier, mothership - 14 units

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