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  • I watch streams of guys who spam keys all day long and whack on their keyboards like moronic crackheads or retards trying to keep their APM up.. I try to avoid these streams, it's annoying as sin to listen to and watch. These guys with high APMs and worn out keyboards also are no better than many of the guys I watch with very low APM compared to these spammers.. Like 30APM instead of 150 APM often wins.

    APM will not win you games, there are too many things other than APM that go into winning than simply how many actions per minute you make.

    In all games, APM plays a factor for a short time, like while microing and macroing in a battle, but this crap about APM winning and losing games is a joke.

    Also, I'm only gold, but my stoned ass gets about 22APM on average and I have 52% win ratio against people who often have at least double my APM. I think the higher the rank, the more APM can matter, but I still know for a fact that it doesn't win games. Effective builds, proper counters, and good scouting wins games.


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