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  • OobsvrBut if you have most of the things in your mind, would you still need that high APM to win? I think a high APM is only necessary for telling the units to select what the most favourite or beneficial targets they should have, but not to do some they should/should not have to do. ~

    Uh high APM does not mean a user spams keys... (not all the time at least) but it means that the user is trying to give out as many orders to other units as possible for example professionals in sc2 use micromanagement which helps them be way more effective in battles/out of battles by focusing on a particular task which could make the difference. Same goes for macromanagement which is as important as the micro one.
    Anyway it does not mean low APM players are weaker than high APM ones. The high APM players can make serious mistakes instead. So it really matters how well your deciding the next order will be.


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