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  • APM - means Actions-Per-Minute
    And I do not agree. Less APM means your like more "dead" than actually playing the game. And how can that be your favorite?O_o
    Well I guess you hate stressing yourself making too many actions in a minute during a match so to answer your question from the topic title: "What's the meaning of APM to you?"
    It's the thing that determines how much effort your putting in a match and each action increases the APM but however if in the next minute you do less actions the both APM results for each minute (lets say 1st minute of the game and the 2nd minute of the game) will be calculated by a simple as this: ex in the 1st minute; 72 | and in the 2nd; 20 | now take both results and make a sum out of them then the S is devided(/) by 2 and you get the average APM you got in those 2 minutes.
    Hope it became clear.

    EDIT: oh and for me it's important to get out as much APM(and useful ones) as possible during each minute


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