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  • Insomnia Need some fix : AI make Two Factorys And Ghost accademy.. but they are useless cuz he have to do banshe.. so AI spend gas for useless builds.

    IN second, i think if terran have to do reaper rush , he don't make marine and bunker.. i repet it is useless.. i know without closer T always loss against rush but, i think if u wanna make a good push with terran u have to do the right build order or is useless.. ;) ai vs ai or games 2.2 vs ai i think is stupid to do. so i think is better to make a realistic ai more if possible ;)

    i used to watch ai vs ai games so i can found bugs in opening and production, but anyway i think if u wanna make realisticest ai u need to modify some BO like reaper rush and other..

    Ah.. Usually Terran Make Orbital @15 scv's.

    I think after the Opening the ai will always push , if ai can't do a good push he come to home very like a real player;P

    Protoss Needs Colossus cuz in mid-late they are the best ground counter unit..

    ill' contine to study the ai's so u can work on it.. i trust u like my points of view ;)


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