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  • Hi Greentea! So from the programming point of view it is best to do response to a unit composition with that operator switching method?
    ok, I will think of a system and post it later.
    Now some build ideas in general:

    One legendary cheesy banshee build is first vespine, then 10 supply barrack-factory-airport-depot. Here wall of with factory+Barrack is important:
    TvP: do your normal build but block ramp (with depot-barrack+Vespine-marine-commandocentr-depot)
    and then do either a banshee (factory followed by Airport and build tech lab at the factory and fly away to settle the airport there. produce marines and hellions in between as many as it doesn´t delay the airport. When the first banshee arrives a push with all units can be tried) or m&m build (tech lab at first barrack starting the concussive update to go with marauders against first zealots, then build a second with reactor and a third with tech lab and try to push.
    Cheesy TvP reaper build:
    in the beginning build 1 SUV- send out 1 that will build a proxy barrack later. then 7 supply barrack- 7 suply vespine and after that SUVs again but not more than 10 supply. When barracks finished immediately tech lab. then 10 supply depot+ first reaper as tech lab is ready. The early reaper are deadly against protoss if microed well.
    The commander that uses m&m +ghost against protoss should add a reactor to the first airport to support m&m with vikings against colossi.

    Zaelot rush or either try early colossi or phoenixes to do harass and eliminate the possibility for mutalisks. General: Go for Zealots and Centries rather than stalker in the beginning and wall off with gate and pylon in the beginning to create a small passing point where the zealots can fight attacking zerglings in 1on1.

    Generally: Go for fast stalker to be able to deal with hellions, reapers, banshees or marauders with concussive. Against marines stalkers alone are ineffective so you need centries with guardian shield and zealots as support.
    Stalkers have to protect colossi from vikings.
    Occasional dark templars are great as well. Try to be quite fast in expanding.

    This so far. I will think now of the commander-counter unit thing.


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