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  • A continuation on your idea of AI swapping is an AI for each race that would be swapped into that would handle early game defense.

    It seems that all of the AIs are a bit weak at the 5 to 8 minute mark, and fall easily to sustained pressure (except for rushing AI's). A protoss 4 gate build with constant zealot harass for example.

    Terran would want to wall off their main and bring up SCVs for repair with a few marines to hold off attack.

    Protoss would want to fall back and hold their ramp, and might throw down a cannon for quick defense.

    Zerg would want to throw down a couple of spine crawlers, and mass zerglings to handle this threat.

    The AI's are very potent when you get towards the 10 minute mark.

    I know that if I am getting intense early pressure I am going to modify my strategy a little bit to make sure my main and expand are protected before continuing up the tech tree, the AIs should do this as well.


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