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  • Ive found strange strange GTSupply behaviour for zerg, sometimes around food 100+-, Zerg stops to produce overlords but all train overlord conditions in GTSupply function are met. It stops making overlords for about 2-3 minutes , then it works normal. Ive tested it with this >>>>>>

    if (GTFinishIA(player, c_ZU_Queen, 1) || GTFinishA(player, c_ZB_RoachWarren, 1))
    { GTSupply (player, 6 + tech_level); }

    Ive added roach warren condition (for roach zerg) because when u snipe queen early in the game (queen which moved to fast expansion, then AI get stuck. I dont know why the GTSupply function stops working, but maybe it appears when some of zergs overlords are sniped so food looks like this>>>105 limit used and 98 limit available. This issue affects only zerg AI , so it must be something with killing overlords. So ive added to commander additional help for overlord production and now it works great, no supply block. Ive tested it and its good, zerg units are quite supply expensive and spawn quickly so zerg can afford to build these overlords after each another>>>>>>>>>>>>
    if (GTCount(player, c_ZU_Overlord) >= 8 && GTCount(player, c_ZU_Overlord) <= 24 )
    { GTTrainI(player, 10, 0, c_ZU_Overlord, GTCount(player, c_ZU_Overlord)+1, c_ZU_Overlord, GTCount(player, c_ZU_Overlord)/1); }


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