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  • I will explain more clearly how the AI Scripst work.
    * When you open the GT AI, there are 3 folder :
    - Some main file:
    + RequirementAI.galaxy => This is where you get the string code of the AI.
    + BuildAI.galaxy => Placement of the AI.
    + MeleeAI.galaxy => This is where the AI Script Begin.
    + TactZergAI.galaxy/TactProtossAI.galaxy/TactTerranAI.galaxy
    => These file to control the ability of some units, but not all. Rest of the
    ability in the xml file of SC2 but not include in GTAI Scripts.
    + Zerg/Protoss/Terran.galaxy => This is where the AI Scripts of each Race begin.
    - 3 folder Green Tea Main , Commander and Gamedata:
    + Gamedata : don't need to look at this folder.
    + Commander : this is where to store the scripst of each commander.
    + Green Tea Main: basic function of GT AI.

    * Now in the Green Tea Main folder:

    + GTZInformation.galaxy : This file will give the AI some basic function.
    + GTZCount.galaxy: Count unit, measure the strength of each player.
    + GTZAttack.galaxy : Various attack function.
    + GTZAuto.galaxy : Some common process : build worker, expand, build defense.
    + GTZBuildTrain.galaxy: The build and train functions of the AI
    + GTZCondition : Some criteria of the AI here, when it will attack ? when to retreat ?
    + GTZFunction: Timer / Harvest rate/ Chatting scripts
    + GTZPoint : Most common basic point of GT, include determine nearest units.

    * Here are some example of the most common used function in GT AI:

    + GTTrain (player, priority, town, unitype, number );
    - player: always be "player";
    - priority: from 0 - 10, the higher get more build priority.
    - town: 0 : First town, 1 : Next expand town...
    - unittype : these value can be found in RequirementAI.galaxy
    - number : A number unit should train
    + GTTrainA : Train after the Unittype 2 has that number: Train 2 zealot after 1 gateway build
    + GTTrainI : Train when the unittype 2 is in progress: Train 1 Hightemplar when the Psi-storm in research.

    + GTBuild (player, priority, town, buildtype, number, flags );
    - player: always be "player";
    - priority: from 0 - 10, the higher get more build priority.
    - town: 0 : First town, 1 : Next expand town...
    - buildtype : these value can be found in RequirementAI.galaxy
    - number : A number building should build
    - flags : These are location, can be found in BuildAI.galaxy file.
    + Same at Train function, there is some variant,
    ...I: when something in progess
    ...A: after something has build
    ...T: only build 1 in many town. ( Some tech building need it )

    + GTBuildP(player, buildingtype, number, point)
    It is different from the GTBuild method because it make the AI build at specific point.
    There are some prepared point from file GTZPoint.galaxy
    -GTCenterGroup => Return the center of group.
    -GTDO => Target the gather outside point ( near the choke point )
    -GTDI => Target the gather inside point.
    -GTDI 1,2,3 => Distance variance between the in and out side defense point

    + Some conditional function (bool)
    - GTFinishA (player, unittype, number) => Return True if there has enough number of these units on the map.
    - GTFinishIA (player, unit, number) => Return True if there has enough number of units, include the units in production.

    + Some counterfuntion :

    - GTCounterUnit2(player, build1, unit1, number1, build2, number2, unit2, number3);
    When the opponent build build1 building type , the AI will respond with build build2 (number 2 is the number of the building) to produce unit2, number 3 is the ratio between unit1 and unit 2.
    * Ex: GTCounterUnit2(player, c_PB_RoboticsBay, c_PU_Colossus, 1, c_ZB_InfestationPit, 1, c_ZU_Infestor, 1.5);

    => When it see the opponent build RoboticsBay, it will give the respond to build Infestation Pit, and produce Infestor 1.5 times the quantity number of Collosus

    * Ex2: GTCounterUnit2(player, c_TB_BarracksReactor, c_TU_Marine, 8, c_ZB_BanelingNest, 1, c_ZU_Baneling, 0.3);
    => It see the opponent build BarrackReactor but it won't build any Baneling Nest yet until it see 8 Marine, then this time it will get the signal to build baneling Nest. Product Baneling 0.3 Times Marine.

    * In summarize: It need 2 condition: It must have build1 and enough number of unit1 to meet criteria.
    Some times, when the number of unit1 too much, we need to build 2 building. Like:
    * Ex3: GTCounterUnit2(player, c_ZB_Spire_Alias, c_ZU_Multalisk, 12, c_PB_Stargate, 2, c_PU_Phoenix, 1);
    That mean when it see around 12 Multalisk, definitely need to build 2 stargate and generate more phoenix. 1 phoenix vs 1 multalisk.

    * In the Commander AI folder:
    . The Basic struct of one commander is like this:
    Beside the above function, there are some special scripts like:

    + Opening
    - GTShowTimer(player) : show the timer.
    - GTPreventScout(player) : stop enemy scouting probe/scv/drone.
    - techlevel: GTGetTech : assign tech level of the AI.

    + Economy Management
    - GTExpand(player) : The AI will automatically expand when it have enough money to build second base.
    - GTMineralGas(player): AI will auto balance between Mineral and Gas. The Gas is always has priority, but when it above 300, automatically transfer worker to harvest mineral
    - GTSupply(player, tech_level): It will increase build more supply generator when the tech level increase

    + Strategy:
    - GTDefend(player): Make AI defend when necessary
    - GTRock(player): AI will destroy the rock the the Gold Minerals or the closest rock
    - GTAttack(player): AI Attack
    - GTRetreat(player): AI Retreat.

    + BuildUnit/Building:
    - GTAutoBDefend(player, 0) => Auto build the defend at main and expand
    - GTAutoResearch(player) => Will research depend on the units of the AI.

    + Expand:
    - GTAutoBExpand(player, i) => Auto build the expand base.

    + Some special function for Zerg:
    - GTMoveQueen => Move the First Queen to second base
    - GTCreepTumor(player) => Auto generate creep tumor for Queens.

    So this is a basic frameworks of the AI. Hope this help :).

    To find a fault is easy; to do better may be difficult.
    GT Creator

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