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  • Some brilliants ideas you have there!

    I do understand the naming, but I also do like the intellectual.

    Tetrakaidecagon - 14 sided ... a 14 player FFA. Kiva is easy enough to remember. Due to the immense load with 14 players, the actual art on the map will be minimal or it will be unplayable.

    The Lost Atlantis is doable. Any ideas as to the design map wise, player number, and features you would like to see?

    If scripting is added, there could be a story behind it, where groupings of units are found or can be persuaded to join a faction.

    Do you have a storyboard idea of what would like to achieve?

    I think the story should come first and that leads to the map. Then the triggers - map - triggers looping until it is finished.

    I think something like this has to potential to be huge. Give Blizzard a run for their money with regards to a campaign.

    There is also the option to bring in beta testers at some stage.

    Many possibilities.

    My time is my own. I am in the fortunate position to have no appointments other than those I create. Hence I am able to dedicate so much time to the arts ... being a multimedia artist ... music, painting, photo and film ... here I am known for my map making.

    I think that this has the potential to be entered into competitions and or added to your resume to showcase your programming skills.

    I have no idea about triggers ... none. All that side of things you can basically do what you wish. I don't see any problems whatsoever with realizing your map vision for a story line on a map I can create.

    Anyway I can commence whenever. If you have a map shape preference, such as from a real map or Greek Island, then I can get started with a basic geography.

    I can host the builds and give you the url and also at either your site or mine or both, both would probably be best ... the map can be developed.

    Again ... brilliant idea!

    opensource Starcraft 2 maps:

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