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  • Maybe it sounds dark to say this but if it seems difficult, then it's a good learning medium to practice more effective builds.

    But I'll test it now to see how hard it really is from my perspective..

    10 Minutes Later - Result

    Ok, I tried a basic and not so complicated build of mass roaches on a 4 player FFA; something any player can do, and managed to survive until late game, when I teched to Ultras and won the game.

    It was no more challenging then the hard difficulty setting.

    "Quick mass T1 ground army, detectors and tech upgrades in a moderate timely fashion, then going into the Tier 2 branch after 10 minutes or so."

    I'm using the Starcrack Ai 7.03 from the Allin1Launcher and even though I believe a tough game is good for newbies to learn; it is rather "hard" for an Easy mode.

    I believe this should be investigated and fixed in a timely manner to prevent the game being unfair to newbies.


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