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  • Hi, I'm having trouble with the starcrack Ai. Blizzard Very Easy is too easy but then anything in ''Starcrack Ai'' is way too hard. From blizzard very easy to starcrack very easy it's such an insane jump. I get cheesed by the time I get my cybernetics core up.. And I'm not a SC noob.. I get rushed with either 30 marines or 10 roaches+20lings (havn't tried protoss)in 1v1's. It's way too hard and unrealistic. It seems as if the Very Easy blizzard ai is doing what it's suppose to do but everything in Starcrack AI whether its easy,normal,hard it's just insanely hard. Any tips? I've reinstalled SC2 3 times, and reinstalled allin1 3 times as well. Is it just me? Cause I'm not doing anything wrong, I even rush out the zealots as fast as possible and they still manage to have 6 times my army within the first 4 minutes of the game.

    Help me out please :)


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