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  • Hi ccT,

    Your AI is always in progress and have good result.
    It's was the first AI i have began to play with first release (v5.5.1)
    Today we are on V7.03, really sweet and quick release too. Thx for All!!!!!
    I know that I am not good developper, i am not able to release AI core but I have some ideas for race openings.
    I have adapted Terran Turdbluger openings and others on Strategy 0.42. (if wanted, i'll post them)
    I also added Reaper rush BO that improve Terran AI harrassing against protoss.
    All that to say, if I can help your community, I will happy.

    Random Starcraft 2 player. Only playing for Fun !!! It's A Good Day To Die.
    Northrend (Europe)

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