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  • Okay few more things added to what I said

    1st, when the terran refinary is under attack by a worker, the AI does not respond to it using its own worker like how it would send 2 workers to kill my worker that would be hurting anything else in their base.

    Does that sound confusing? like.
    If i send a probe and start attacking a refinary,the AI does not send 2 scvs, nor start fixing the refinary when it reaches the red HP. I don't think the AI fixes any building that's gone below red HP in terran... seems like quiet a big problem.

    Also when the vikings are running away, they tend to get on the ground to get into a combat first and then runs away on the ground, which i can chase very easily to defeat them. If they notice that there's not really an anti-air, and perhaps there are better chance of survival if they are in the mid-air, i feel that it would be better.

    Also i have not witnessed when the protoss AI uses the chrono boost on anything..

    For zerg, it seems that the queens do spawn the creep tumors, but despite the fact that the creep tumors can expand on its own, the queen seems to always place new creep tumors.. it could be fixed I think

    That's all I can remember for now. I will come back to this when I remember more.

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