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  • @xXThePlague1Xx

    I have the same problem as alex encountered on yesterday but I can't find any solution at tool page to avoid the execution of starcraft.

    I use Update script with 13 files to update my sc2 to latest patch. Thing I did;

    1. I have win7 system, fresh installation of sc2.
    2. Put all the patches (total 13 files) into Updates folder with latest 4.1.1 Blizzard Updater
    3. Place the Updates folder together with your Updater_Script.bat into C:\Program Files\StarCraft II Beta
    4. execute the patching by double click the .bat file
    5. everything went smooth till sc2-patch (6).mpq, it auto start the starcraft 2 game, I close the sc2 game by Task manager, it stated "... incorrectly" script stop.

    how do I get rid of this? it ruined my whole day...


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