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  • Pal pleeease can you help me? I'll appreciate it very much. No matter what I do I just get a black screen, no map, nothing.

    The SC2 Beta phase 1 was working fine on my PC with patch 15 and SC2AllIn1 9.7.x, then I uninstalled the whole thing, made a fresh install, run the game, it doesn't update automatically, so I downloaded every patch in here:
    everything from patch 1 to 18 and manually unziped them in the install dir, ran the game so the patch are applied, the game runs fine but obviously I don't have beta-key, exits the game. Downloaded SC2AllIn1 10.0.0, installed it as admin (I am in Win7 x64 bits) downloaded the official SC2 Beta 2 Maps from a link in the SC2AllIn1 page, installed them, executed as admin the SC2AllIn1 and BANG!!! a black screen.

    Since then I have uninstalled and applied the patch several times, tried everything (installing as admin, appliing patches one by one, pressed the new button "Crack Lastest Patch" in the SC2AllIn1 option screen, etc.), even downloaded the lastes SC2AllIn1 10.1.1 published just a couple hours ago and nothing, just a black screen.

    Can you help me? do you know what is happening? I am having SC2-withdrawal-symptoms rite now... PLEASE HELKP ME!

    PD: I'm downloading rite now your awesome "StarCraft II Beta Automated Updater By xXThePlague1Xx"...


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