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  • PrometheusSry vernam I named it 1.2 in the namespace for beta reasons
    I'll get ya an untouched copy
    as for map name, it's doing that so I don't have to dig into the map file (sc2ma)
    if ya really want it back in there I can put it in release with the image I'm adding as well

    oh yes i really need the the map name you get from the replay files, and having the save.jpg back and all those in a dll with the right namespace would be PERFECT!

    dont think i am bitching but those sums of a replay i belives is more inportand than what spell the x suer used in this game, or APM etc...
    those are great for statistics reasons, but why dont we just make the generic info part first, and then the rest ;-)

    thank you for your word! as you see in my credits its allways appreciated!

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