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  • dcramer,
    I mostly support everything you're suggesting. However, discovering new versions of maps might not be that kind of linear process when you make the first version of the map, then you make the second and so on to the last version. Versions of the map might be like branches of the big tree.

    For example, during the development process I can make few versions of my map and then understand I went wrong direction and decide to roll back through several versions and start to change that initial one.

    This is especially true if someone edits your map. For example, this map was made from scratch by xenoth_rus as a total modificaton of another map. Then azala made his own versions of the map. After that xenoth_rus may probably want to continue making his own versions and if he does so we'll see how initially integral notion of a map splits: we now have two distinct visions on the same map.

    What I want to say is that remembering all the genealogical tree of a given map might be nice to see. It looks more like a wiki content with crossover links.

    And also, the new versions of a map may very much vary by the amount of changes which distinguishes it from the parent: small erratums, balance/gameplay improvements or total revision of the original. One may credit the given map (or maps) as not being the direct predecessor but giving the maker an initial idea. Or the map may be totally remade from scratch (terrain, triggers or both), who is the owner then?.. It would be nice to see that things find their reflection.

    "I bet at this stage we could code a better Starcraft engine from scratch ourselves. :P" - Tuxlar

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