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  • Ive played most version of this game and one of the easiest ways i found to kill li-shaoren at the end and all bosses is on older versions you'll notice a difference with the skill called i believe "energy scatter" basikly masss quick circle scatter shot if its the correct old evrsion your atk radius for this skill will be really big vs new versions its small when maxed. in old versions it deals a 3-5 sec stun along with 200-500k dmg. prrty gewd for 2-3 secs. also yamcha has the fastest atk speed in the game and to get this perfected never transform him with his lvl req. upgrade skill. instead work on his stats and then get items that gets u the fastest atk speed which is also added with storm bash, etc.~ another easy way is to use a charecter with mirror image skill (idk if theirs a item for it maybe 1) then since ur already buff to withstand a few hits to few dozen from final secret boss the mirror will act as a awsome meat shield while u beat him up. also for btr and more godly dmg use 3-4 muramasa's and 1 dark ultimate muramasa (its with p orb and more my secret lol) this is only in 5.0-5.2 its 10x stronger then muramasa. (or it should be) another few things to help kill creeps and pvp is fire amulet for skill protection and for charecters janemba has highest dodge rate in game but kinda bad otherwise so ur call, bardock has 100% crit rate which is fun in late game and piccolo i believe has mirror image which rocks, and 17 has a clone ability which basikly is mirror image but does dmg for small time which is ok. look me up for a challenge ^_^ hope these tips helped.


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