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  • Map 7.4C, Legendaries I have personally confirmed:

    Groudon - Red Orb - Mid-right, a cave hidden by rocks. Enter, walk to the lava.

    Kyogre - Blue Orb - Wall on left side, bottom-most part of the water zone, there is a hidden lever in the water. LEFT click it, it teleports you to the rocky area, walk to the bottom pool and use. LEFT click the lever on that side to tp back to the first side.

    Mew - Mew's Toy - Cave in very top-right, stand in the entrance and use at night.

    Mewtwo - Mew's DNA - Use at lab at top-middle.

    Ho-Oh - Rainbow Feather - Burning Lighthouse on mid-right wall, use on the firey spot in the cave.

    Lugia - Silver Feather - Water cave on left wall, just north of the Kyogre spot. Use on the grey platform.

    Suicune/Entei/Raikou - Wet/Flaming/Charged Dog Whistles - Near Obelisk in Water zone / By the northernmost crater in the fire zone / Very mid bottom, use at the tip of the grass that points like an arrow.

    Articuno/Moltres/Zapdos - Icy Feather/Power Supply/Moltres Flame - Waterfall at top-left (in the basin of it) / At the Power plant on mid-left / In mid/bot of fire zone, there are 4 fires, use in the middle of them.


    Lordaeron (U.S. West)

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