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- Blizzard wants your memories
...But they're willing to pay, if you're lucky. Today they've announced a new contest that we think is worth checking out.
Grow up on Starcraft? Counting down the minutes to the release of Diablo III, having worn your Diablo II disc down to a mere sheet of plastic? Do you treasure your World of Warcraft subscription above all else (including food and rent)? Well, this little bit of news might just interest you.
As part of Blizzard’s ongoing 20th anniversary extravaganza – catch the massive feature in our current issue – they’ve giving away a great big bag of swag, including an all-expenses trip to this year' Blizzcon. It’s a metaphorical bag, obviously.
All you have to do to be in the running is put together a video, capturing ‘your favourite Blizzard-related memory’ in whatever form you choose – animation, live-action, machinima, claymation, you name it – and send it to the nice people at Blizzard.
As well as the Blizzcon trip, they’re also giving away all sorts of gaming peripherals, action figures, drinking vessels and custom posters. In short, whether you want to go to Blizzcon, or you just want three minutes of fame and a fancy mug, if you’re a fan of any of Blizzard’s games, you should probably go here. Note the entry link takes you to the US version of the comp and tells you you’re ineligible. You are, but your T&C’s are here.
Oh, and if you are giving up rent and food in favour of WoW, we would suggest you rethink things a little, and at least get a higher paying job.
Source: http://www.atomicmpc.com.au/News/252110,blizzard-wants-your-memories.aspx
- Author:
- Mag 26
- Views (Total):
- 19,816
- Views (Daily):
- 4
- Posted On:
- March 23, 2011
- Opinion:
1 vote considered -
- Neutral
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Never paid 1 cent for a blizzard game and i dont even want to participate.What was fun was fun in old days and now no video can recreate it,WoW got me a little adicted but good thing i wasent missing school to play it , like some of my friends.Yea but overall was a fun experience=