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- StarCraft 2 Beta Key Giveaway
If you're still one of the unlucky few to not have a beta account, here's your chance to win a beta key. How do you enter? Well, we'll keep this one simple. Reply to this article and tell us what you love, and what you hate about Nibbits. We're not looking for the best answers, but definitely will not be giving keys to the worst (and I dont mean worst, by you hurt our feelings). Just interested in general feedback and things you'd like to see over here.
Right now we have no keys to give away, but that may change and as they pile in we'll keep sending them out.
Winners so far:
- Author:
- dcramer 17
- Views (Total):
- 120,735
- Views (Daily):
- 15
- Posted On:
- May 18, 2010
- Opinion:
12 votes considered -
- Good
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Congratulations to OpNFLx on winning the second beta key. We will continue this contest as soon as we receive more :)
@Autocracy The character limit is something that is always under debate. However, the higher your level, the less likely you'll hit the limit. I guess it's just a simple way for us to stop abuse and spam. The filters are very harsh if you're anonymous, and then slightly less harsh based on your level (all filters, including the anti-spam).
When I first came upon nibbits, I saw, at the upper part of the page, a banner saying something like "What have banners every done to you? Please support nibbits and turn off adblock". I liked that and, though I still use adblock, I turned it off for nibbits. The website's advertising is unobtrusive, non-registered users can download files without going through any advertisement infested hassle; if all websites were like nibbits, adblock would be irrelevant.
One thing that bothers me, however, is the character limit when posting. It makes it difficult to be thorough when writing a comment.
Thanks for the great website!
Well, I like the starcraft theme of this website, many websites don't have a good thing. I can also use the easy to use search where I can download, offline ai cracks, tools, and lots of other sc2 related things. Overall, the site is very organized, uncluttered and easy to use. I just think that you should add a page chooser in forum threads and delete the outdated downloads.
Ah Nibbits.
Right when you enter the site, you see some pretty pictures that direct you to where you want to go.
Then, you don't just see a list of maps and advertising. You see one ad that isn't obnoxious., and a short list of popular maps.
Then you go look at all the maps. Wow, they are actually organized in a way that you can just browse, instead of only searching for the map you want.
And then you find your favorite map, and just have to tell everyone about it. So what do you do? You can review it, and people actually pay attention to it!
After you finish that nifty review you wrote, you see that you got some gold! ZOMG. You can buy stuff with it!!
Then you go post in a thread, and find out how nice the community is.
Downsides to nibbits:
-only average forums, nothing special
-some annoying bugs
-I haven't tried nibbler yet
-uhh, can't think of anything else. Keep up the good work =D
@OpNFLx Find the ban and click "Edit" right below the name. It's kind of like a wiki, but changes require approval if you're not a moderator/author of the map.
The best aspect of nibbits for me is the map database and how it is ran. The collective effort of downloads, ratings, ranks, comments all give good feedback in finding some fun UMS to play. Personally for me the map database has allowed for our community, Op NFLx on east to grow, with more resources to spread the maps we play, and find new fun ones from the database.
If theres one aspect I don't like as much(and i'm not %100 if this is true), but is not being able to change the name of the map. IE: I uploaded a banning game but its named BI or something of that variation. There might be a fix to this, but I havent looked into it much and I understand how nibbits gets the name for map, and like that it automatically gives its name.
Looking forward to expanding my SC2 knowledge once I buy the game from here, hopefully can find some interesting SC2 maps on here too.
I won't make this complex or extravagent, but i like Nibbler because everything is easy and simple so even a noob like me can easily work my way around everything here, and thanks to your huge database, i can learn of the game and how everything works. Well i hope i get the key, thank you very much for taking your time to reading this.
Nibbits has great tools thanks to it i found a proberly updated luncher to play sc2 but only vs AI.
Allot of nice maps in wc3 and SC :)
Bit complicated to get around the forums when you first visit the site but gets pretty simple when you're used to it.
WoW i dont believe this !!!!!
with my comment !?!?
anyway thank you very much
i will try my best
Congratulations to terran58 on winning a key!
I like nibbits nibbler 0.1.2 because it makes it much easier for me. I also like the layout of the site. Everything is easy to find and is in a convenient place. This is my favorite place to get maps.
What i don't like, is now much exp u need to get to a new level... :)
edit: just got my key. :) so give the key to someone else that needs it...
goods about nibbits : well organize catagory on maps which allow us to search the map easily we want and more time savings , there's alot lots of custom maps and mods more us to download too!
and yet so far i did not find anything i hate about nibbtis, i'm happily using it, just that the time to download the map needs to wait a while before i can click "save"
Good SC2 tools .Good Support.
Too expensive Avatar .maybe sometime discount on virtual shop
i hate nibbits because they're giving me a difficulty on uploading a map :D what I love on nibbits is that, I can download many maps :D
Nibbits is F*ing AWESOME!
What I like about Nibbits is the fact that it's very simple looking. Simple is good. Because simple means good functionality while still being easy to work with, and it doesn't hurt your eyes!
I found Nibbits by googling for "starcraft 2 maps" before, and you know, you just immediately think that this is a good site to bookmark. It has what you're looking for - maps, which is exactly what I was looking for. But you even have other things than that, although maps *seem* to be the main focus. In any case, a good resource site for SC2 like Nibbits... Oh it's needed. Because this game will have so much to it - it practically already does.
Personally I can't really think of anything that could be improved. It looks good, it works, it's easy. In the end, that's what's important. But hey, that's just what I think.
What I do believe, is that in the end, Nibbits will be the best place for SC2 resources. Why? Because you've already got it running so well. We're only in beta, and this is practically already perfect. This is THE SC2 resource site, simply. I think you know what I mean.
Deathjester, SC fan
oops, @Soulforged not Fyrby lol
@Fyrby we should all just C/P your post and make it hard to decide who gets a key! lol
-variety of maps
-Reverence to those who work rigorously for us to play
-easy access (i.e. navigation on this website is feasible)
-Love the simplistic structure of the website.
-Able to express one's opinion
-Communication with others on this website is GREAT!
-Appreciation to those who hand out free beta keys :]
- Organization of the forums (i.e. difficult for me to find some topics)
- Direction of some (such as the directions to install launchers) can become confusing
but overall the site is fantastic
+ media section, really like the streams and how slimmed that page is, easy to navigate
+ replays, great feature and setup, just wish there were more :P
- Front page, is kind of messy and all over the place, hard to find something if you don't know where and what you are looking for
- Forum, not much maybe you can do, but could use more activity
i like to download maps and replays and I dont like those generic avatars "?" srk.fdp@gmail.com
@dayf0x, dude, WTF ??? C/P of my comment is really lame you know. ;)
Great things about Nibbits:
+ very nice design
+ logic page structure
+ huge map database
+ Nibbler <3
+ funny XP system (I got 3 posting this xD)
+ good map support:
e.g. old versions are in the same project
+ unregistered users can leave comments on maps
(very nice for finding bugs)
+ automatically loading information from replays and maps! :D (I am not sure if this word exists.)
Bad things:
- Email activation didn't work for me :/
- I don't get it! How does project rank work? ;D
- The mapping forum can't compete with the ones on Mapster. But I think Nibbits is a website for sharing/discussing maps and other ressources so thats ok ;).
All in all I like the website, its a very good one. Keep on with the good work :).
this is the most resourceful website i ever seen, without a doubt, it content 3 of my favourite games in blizzard history. They did a great job on providing us with useful tools, maps etc (I love the SC2 AI and maps so muchhhh! they are able to keep me company for so long). With a constant updating thier database, it will comes very handy for users who hate hassle registration, survey or afraid of virus spywares etc. I love how they present the website, clean interface, framework structure, friendly UI and they are able to categorize all those sections neatly. Members able to communicate and shout their own opinion freely. And i wan to thank them for the patch 9 manual patch which i'm searching for so longgg as i'm stucked at the endless restart on patch 9 autoupdate from blizzard.
p/s : Sorry for my bad english.