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- StarCraft 2 Beta Key Giveaway
If you're still one of the unlucky few to not have a beta account, here's your chance to win a beta key. How do you enter? Well, we'll keep this one simple. Reply to this article and tell us what you love, and what you hate about Nibbits. We're not looking for the best answers, but definitely will not be giving keys to the worst (and I dont mean worst, by you hurt our feelings). Just interested in general feedback and things you'd like to see over here.
Right now we have no keys to give away, but that may change and as they pile in we'll keep sending them out.
Winners so far:
- Author:
- dcramer 17
- Views (Total):
- 120,734
- Views (Daily):
- 15
- Posted On:
- May 18, 2010
- Opinion:
12 votes considered -
- Good
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the good is a great source almost the best for replays and a great help with the starcrack ai and the other tools
the bad i believe this need some live streamings will be great
i really love that i can get nearly evrything i need for my craked vers of sc2 :P and i hate that i wont get a beta key :( , if u change ur mind send 1 to huliganick@gmail.com and there will be nothing to hate anymore xD
@levitico we actually have streams go to Media -> Streams -- it's kind of hidden as it's not something we focus on here
I love nibbits becouse i get all i need to play starcraft 2 without a beta key.I love the new Nibbler 0.1.2 for the replays and maps installation its a lot easier with it,but i love also here in Nibbits the people are posting theyre own created maps from the galaxy editor :)
There are no thinks i hate here everythink is great maybe some graphical,interface changes like starcraft 2 style will be great :)
my email is balnazzar951@yahoo.com thanks =]
I think u should give the keys to some developers around here for them to improve the tools they are working on, thus allowing us all to enjoy the game. Love-Hate part..well I love my girlfriend! What I like about the site: good developers and good update rate. What I would like to see would be an interface change..more towards a StarCraft look. Thank you for all that you are doing.
P.S. If you still want to give the keys to some normal user my e-mail is dumitru.viorel.2020@gmail.com
just came across the site while finding a new version of scallin1 couple days ago and man i gotta say i love the amount of maps and such here that are easily accessible with the nibbler. that said i wouldn't mind seeing more guides on setting up some of the custom loader programs.
Well if i have to say 1 thing that i love about nibbits its that i don't need to log in nor register to read the content and the design of the websites is pretty simple and sintetic, no needless information or stupid banners(from a designer pov). Also i love the way that you make your users to get closer with SC2 such as giving beta keys or just relieving us from our anxiety to play SC2 with starcrack ai and other stuff.
What i don't like is the low activity on the forums, it would be nicer if nibbits could incentive to users to post more in the forums.
Cheers and keep doing a good job.
Hiya, my name is Uzumaki Naruto(jk), things i like are: simple links to downloads(usually u have to click on many different links to get to something), No viruses( none that I ran into so far), and finally thoughtfulness(usually when ppl do things like give away free keys... its usually a trick)Things i don't like: i guess the only thing i don't like is no guarantee that I'll get a key. *fingers cross. Thank you('ll) for the generosity, Live Long and Prosper!
madow01@ymail.com arigato =]
Nibbits is great for its quick support of the beta, its large amount of Starcraft maps, and the regular updates Mr. Cramer gives it. While it may not be as useful for Starcraft 2, because of Battle.net 2.0's cloud system, the Brood War and Warcraft 3 sections will remain invaluable.
Nibbits is simple, clear so it's fun to navigate in.
A huge collection of maps, a program to download them... and a wiki!
Everything so far for starcraft 2 is here, always with clean files.
We could ask for more?
I love how Nibbits have content on 3 of my fav games and how easy the navigation throughout is. Its very simple and organized. Off the top of my head, there is nothing bad that i could think of. This is a great site! Keep up the good work and i wish you guys the best :)
well i like light theme of this site and legible fonts ,also i can search the site simply becuase its
not messy and there is complete sc2 source that we can download, specially maps and tools
also display the latest posts in home page of the site is nice .
and i think some tools are abandoned and have not good update than other sc2 source sites
about beta key ,i dont have any appetite for play online !!!!
only single player ,best way is ALLin1 + NibbitsMaps + AIs ;-)
I like how nibbits, encompasses 3 great games from blizzard in one site. I also enjoy the fact that I can download a legit file without taking 20 survey's.. This site could stand-out with a little re-vamp in the way information is displayed and overall looks. :)
Couple of days ago I was searching for some SC2 beta crack, maps, AI and launcher. I couldn't believe when I found this website! Not only that your AI, maps pack and launcher are easy to set but are great working (and are provided with great instructions) !! + you update it very fast after new patches are released! And I almost cried when I saw credits on your launcher. It says that you will stop developing AIs after the game is released. That is great! I like the way how you show respect to Blizzard and their efforts to make the best games in the world (in the universe :P)! Oh, and one more thing, which is very important. All of your downloads are 100% virus, spyware etc. free! Keep up the good work and make the SC and Blizz freaks proud! ;)
Few of days ago I was searching for some SC2 maps. I could not believe when I found this website! Not only that your maps are easy to set but are great working (and are provided with great instructions) !! + you update it very fast after new patches are released!. All of your downloads are 100% virus, spyware etc. free! Keep up the good work and make the SC and Blizz freaks proud! Also i introduced my friends to this website and they loved it ... providing us with such stuff and info really helps me cut down the time i use to check the internet. :)
this is the most resourceful website i ever seen, without a doubt, it content 3 of my favourite games in blizzard history. They did a great job on providing us with useful tools, maps etc (I love the SC2 AI and maps so muchhhh! they are able to keep me company for so long). With a constant updating thier database, it will comes very handy for users who hate hassle registration, survey or afraid of virus spywares etc. I love how they present the website, clean interface, framework structure, friendly UI and they are able to categorize all those sections neatly. Members able to communicate and shout their own opinion freely. And i wan to thank them for the patch 9 manual patch which i'm searching for so longgg as i'm stucked at the endless restart on patch 9 autoupdate from blizzard.
p/s : Sorry for my bad english.
Great things about Nibbits:
+ very nice design
+ logic page structure
+ huge map database
+ Nibbler <3
+ funny XP system (I got 3 posting this xD)
+ good map support:
e.g. old versions are in the same project
+ unregistered users can leave comments on maps
(very nice for finding bugs)
+ automatically loading information from replays and maps! :D (I am not sure if this word exists.)
Bad things:
- Email activation didn't work for me :/
- I don't get it! How does project rank work? ;D
- The mapping forum can't compete with the ones on Mapster. But I think Nibbits is a website for sharing/discussing maps and other ressources so thats ok ;).
All in all I like the website, its a very good one. Keep on with the good work :).
@dayf0x, dude, WTF ??? C/P of my comment is really lame you know. ;)
i like to download maps and replays and I dont like those generic avatars "?" srk.fdp@gmail.com
+ media section, really like the streams and how slimmed that page is, easy to navigate
+ replays, great feature and setup, just wish there were more :P
- Front page, is kind of messy and all over the place, hard to find something if you don't know where and what you are looking for
- Forum, not much maybe you can do, but could use more activity
-variety of maps
-Reverence to those who work rigorously for us to play
-easy access (i.e. navigation on this website is feasible)
-Love the simplistic structure of the website.
-Able to express one's opinion
-Communication with others on this website is GREAT!
-Appreciation to those who hand out free beta keys :]
- Organization of the forums (i.e. difficult for me to find some topics)
- Direction of some (such as the directions to install launchers) can become confusing
but overall the site is fantastic
@Fyrby we should all just C/P your post and make it hard to decide who gets a key! lol
oops, @Soulforged not Fyrby lol
What I like about Nibbits is the fact that it's very simple looking. Simple is good. Because simple means good functionality while still being easy to work with, and it doesn't hurt your eyes!
I found Nibbits by googling for "starcraft 2 maps" before, and you know, you just immediately think that this is a good site to bookmark. It has what you're looking for - maps, which is exactly what I was looking for. But you even have other things than that, although maps *seem* to be the main focus. In any case, a good resource site for SC2 like Nibbits... Oh it's needed. Because this game will have so much to it - it practically already does.
Personally I can't really think of anything that could be improved. It looks good, it works, it's easy. In the end, that's what's important. But hey, that's just what I think.
What I do believe, is that in the end, Nibbits will be the best place for SC2 resources. Why? Because you've already got it running so well. We're only in beta, and this is practically already perfect. This is THE SC2 resource site, simply. I think you know what I mean.
Deathjester, SC fan
Nibbits is F*ing AWESOME!