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- WarCraft 3
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- Kodo Tag: Angus
Kodo Tag: Angus
Original Thread
Kodo Tag: Angus
Kodo Tag explained:
In Kodo Tag maps all human players are in the same team, trying to survive for a certain amount of time while Kodos are chasing them. ...
Kodo Tag: Angus
Kodo Tag explained:
In Kodo Tag maps all human players are in the same team, trying to survive for a certain amount of time while Kodos are chasing them. Players that get caught are put in jail and will stay there until another player rescues them. To survive they usually will have to build mazes and towers and kill some of the Kodos.
Language: English
Genre: Coop Survival
Suggested number of players: 4-8
Play time: 3-60 minutes
Playable map area: 106x106
Script: 100% GUI
Difficulty: Very hard (Invariable)
Current Status
The map is playable, but almost untested.
I've played it on garena with 7 other people who didn't know what Kodo Tag is and failed miserably. I've also played it solo a couple of times and lost after 20 to 25 minutes. So the balance is not yet well-elaborated.
Bugs and glitches should be expected too, although my triggers are really not complex enough to create problems that can't be fixed quite quickly.
My original map is german. I've translated this myself, so there are certainly grammar mistakes and badly chosen words or even german tooltips remaining. :B
The Runners
At the start of the game you have 5 seconds to choose a Runner. If you don't choose you get a random one.
Runners only differ in their 5 spells. They have a base movement speed of 300, a sight radius of 500 at night and 625 at day, 1 hitpoint and 200 mana points. Their damage is 100; attack rate is 2,00 and range is 700. Hitpoint regeneration is 0,01 and mana regeneration is 1,00.
Here is a short list of the Runners and their spells:
Poison Arrows: Adds a slow poison to attacks. [10 Mana]
Map: Reveals the whole map for 5 seconds. [50 Mana]
Bloodlust: Increases movement speed and attack rate for 10 seconds. [100 Mana]
Treasure: Every player gets 15 gold and 1 kodopoint. [150 Mana]
Blink: Teleports the Windrunner over a short distance. [200 Mana]
Dark Darts: Adds damage to attacks and spawns Skeleton Archers if the attacked Kodo dies. [10 Mana]
Necromancy: Raises a Skeleton from a corpse, 4 Skeletons at max. [25 Mana]
Spirit Connection: Connects up to 8 units so they can share their damage for 15 seconds. [75 Mana]
Warcry: Every friendly unit has its attack damage and armor increases for 10 seconds. [100 Mana]
Inferno: Summons an Infernal to damage and stun Kodos in an area. [150 Mana]
Naga Sirene
Siphon Mana: Drains 20 mana per second from a Kodo for 6 seconds. [25 Mana]
Serpent Ward: Summons an immobile ward that can detect invisible Kodos. [50 Mana]
Frost Armor: Increases the armor of a friendly unit by 15 and slows attackers. [75 Mana]
Parasite: Slows a Kodo and damages it for 1 hour; spawns a Sea Elemental when the target dies. [100 Mana]
Ice Age: Freezes all Kodos on the map for 4 seconds and damages them. [200 Mana]
Shadow Hunter
Booby Mine: Summons an immobile ward that explodes to damage and stun approaching Kodos. [50 Mana]
Acid Bomb: Throws a flask with acid on the area around a Kodo; the acid slows, reduces armor and damages Kodos for 10 seconds. [100 Mana]
Troll Enchantment: Enchants a friendly unit so that it regenerates 1 additional mana per second for one hour. [150 Mana]
Big Bad Voodoo: Every friendly unit and building becomes invulnerable for 4 seconds. [200 Mana]
Mana Shield: Automatically consumes 20 mana to absorb 1 point of damage taken. [0 Mana]
Blood Mage
Immolation: Damages nearby Kodos by 50 every second. [5 Mana per second]
Stigma: Decreases attack damage and armor of a Kodo and damages it for one hour. [25 Mana]
Mana Ward: Summons an immobile ward that regenerates 1 additional mana per second by nearby friendlies for one minute. [50 Mana]
Banish: Makes a unit astral. Lasts 10 seconds on Kodos and 5 seconds on Runners. [100 Mana]
Siphon Health: Drains 10 hitpoints per second from a Kodo for 5 seconds. [200 Mana]
Goblin Mechanic
Longevity: Increases armor and life regeneration of a friendly unit for one hour. [25 Mana]
Drive: Increases attack rate, damage and movement speed of a friendly unit for one hour. [50 Mana]
Summon Worker: Summons a worker on any position on the map for 10 seconds. [100 Mana]
Howl of Terror: Every Kodo on the map has reduced damage, armor and regeneration for 15 seconds. [150 Mana]
Mass Teleport: Teleports up to 12 units around the Goblin Mechanic to a friendly unit or building. [200 Mana]
The Kodos
Kodos spawn on the 4 green tiles in around the jail. The first Kodos spawn after 20 and 40 seconds have passed; after that they spawn every minute. Over time 200 Kodos will spawn, to ensure smooth movement they are controlled by 4 computer players.
If a player kills a Kodo he gains gold as bounty and every player gains some kodopoints; the kodo will respawn after 5 minutes.
Kodos always attack the nearest unit and if they can't find a way to it they will begin attacking buildings until they find one.
Every five minutes the Kodos will get an upgrade. Hitpoints, hitpoint regeneration, mana regeneration, armor, damage, attack rate and movement speed are improved this way.
Here is a short list of the Kodos and their abilities:
Prime Kodo:
The first Kodos to appear.
Base movement speed: 300
Berserk: Increases the Kodos movement and attack speed for 10 seconds. [100 mana]
Solid skin: Ignores 10 points of incoming damage.
Bash: Stuns units with every hit for 0,33 seconds. [after 30 minutes]
Mini Kodo:
They appear first after 4 minutes.
Base movement speed: 325
Suicide attack: The mini Kodo dies and deals damage in an AoE of 150. [100 mana]
Poison attack: Slows units by 25% for 5 seconds.
Spell resistence: Has a 50% resistence to some spells.
Anxiety aura: Nearby enemies lose 1% of their max life every second and are slowed by 1%. [after 30 minutes]
Zombie Kodo:
They appear first after 4 minutes.
Base movement speed: 310
Cannibalism: Quickly consumes a corpse to restore 100 hitpoints per second. [50 mana]
Cleave attack: 100% of the damage on an AoE of 150.
Disease cloud: Damages units in an AoE of 200.
Disease aura: Reduces the armor of enemies by 1.
Synthesis Kodo:
They appear first after 10 minutes.
Base movement speed: 310
Devour: Eats and digests an enemy. [50 mana]
Devotion aura: Increases the armor of nearby Kodos by 2.
Inner Fire: Increases the damage, armor and regeneration of a Kodo. [50 mana]
Brilliance aura: Increases the mana reg. of nearby Kodos by 0,50. [after 30 minutes]
Blood Kodo:
They appear first after 10 minutes.
Base movement speed: 350
Fairy Fire: Decreases the armor of an enemy by 6 for 30 seconds. [100 mana]
Critical hit: 20% chance to deal 2 times the damage.
Vampire aura: 100% of damage is converted into life.
Spiked shell: Increases armor by 1 and damages melee attackers. [after 30 minutes]
Glass Kodo:
They appear first after 15 minutes.
Base movement speed: 325
Mirror Images: Creates 2 Illusions that take 2 times the damage and deal only half the damage. [100 mana]
Permanent Invisibility: This Kodo is invisible.
True vision: Detects invisible units in an AoE of 900. [after 30 minutes]
Wind Kodo:
They appear first after 16 minutes.
Base movement speed: 400
Wind Walk: Becomes invisible for 15 seconds and deals extra damage when it hits someone in that time. [100 mana]
Evade: 20% chance to evade an attack.
Frost attack: Slows enemies by 25%.
Endurance Aura: Increases movement and attack speed of nearby Kodos by 10%. [after 30 minutes]
Pet Kodo:
They appear first after 20 minutes.
Base movement speed: 310
Frost arrows: They slow enemies by 25% for 4 seconds (range is 300). [1 mana]
Mana shield: Absorbs 1 damage per 1 manapoint. (Maximum mana of this Kodo is 100000)
War drums: Reduces the damage of nearby enemies by 15%.
Flaming lasso: Ensnares an enemy for 4 seconds (range is 350). [after 30 minutes]
Sky Kodo:
They appear first after 25 minutes.
Base movement speed: 300
Phase shift: Avoids all damage for 1 second. [4 sec. cooldown, 1 mana]
Liquid fire: Damages buildings in an area and reduces their attack rate.
Silence: Silences runners in an area for 10 seconds. [after 30 minutes, 100 mana]
Magic Kodo:
They appear first after 25 minutes.
Base movement speed: 350
Sturdy: Is immune to some spells and others simply don't last as long. [100 mana]
Mana leak aura: Nearby Runners lose 10 mana every second.
Slack aura: Nearby enemies are slowed by 33%.
Thunderclap: Damages and stuns enmies in an AoE. [50 mana, after 30 minutes]
Divine Kodo:
They appear first after 26 minutes.
Base movement speed: 350
Divine shield: Becomes invulnerable for 5 seconds. [50 mana]
Unholy aura: Nearby Kodos run 10% faster and regenerate 3 hitpoints per second.
Reincarnation: Has a cooldown of 5 minutes.
Shockwave: Sends a shockwave at enemies. [50 mana, after 30 minutes]
Blaze Kodo:
They appear first after 27 minutes.
Base movement speed: 450
Permanent immolation: Nearby buildings take damage every second.
Magic immunity: Is immune to spells.
Command aura: Nearby Kodos do 15% more damage.
Flame strike: Damages enemies in an are. [50 mana, after 30 minutes]
Ninja Kodo:
They appear first after 30 minutes.
Base movement speed: 375
Purge: Removes all magic effects from an enemy unit and slows it. [100 mana]
Hide: When it is not moving, the Ninja Kodo becoms invisible.
Feedback: Every attack burns 50 mana.
Spell shield: Blocks a negative spell completely. [50 mana, 5 minute cooldown]
Shadow Kodo:
They appear first after 55 minutes.
Base movement speed: 500
Permanent invulnerability: Shadow Kodos don't take damage.
Blink: Blinks directly to a random Runner on the map. [100 mana]
Black tusks: If the shadow Kodo kills a Runner, a second shadow kodo spawns.
The Terrain
This is it.
This design is deliberately simple, no doodads.
There are 88 gold mines on the map, each containing 10000 gold. Workers and Runners don't enter the mines when they harvest gold, because otherwise the computer AI glitches around. Multiple players can harvest gold from the same gold mine.
The Jail Mechanism
The jail is the circle of fire in the middle.
If a Runner dies, the player loses all units, buildings and ressources and spawns a flag in the jail. When another Runner enters the jail, all flags will transform back into a Runners.
The amount of Mana a flag has is determined by the sum of the ressources the player lost. Flags regenerate 1 Mana every 10 seconds in addition. Flags can use the mana to cast spells and help those players who are still alive.
The ressources a player loses when his Runner dies are transfered into a pool. The player who rescues another player first gets all the ressources in the pool.
The yellow number above the jail indicates the amount of gold in the pool.
The red number above the jail indicates the amount of kodopoints in the pool.
Every second the pool ressources are reduced by 1.
This system ensures that there is never a profit in losing and that living players are incentivised to rescue team-mates swiftly.
You've probably seen this before.
Camera perspective
You have 3 options:
Normal perspective: To switch back to normal type "normal" or "reset" in the chat.
Aerial perspective: Type "Aerial" in the chat.
Ego perspective: Type "Ego" in the chat.
The Multiboard
This is what the multiboard shows:
1. What kind of Runner the player uses
2. The name of the player
3. How many Kodos the player has killed
4. How often the player has died
5. How many runners the player has rescued
6. How much gold the player has
7. How many kodopoints the player has
8. How much supply the player uses
9. How many hitpoints the Runner of the player has
10. How much mana the Runner of the player has
If you want the multiboard to function correctly you cannot leave empty player positions between players. For example if there are 5 players, they will have to use player 1, player 2, player 3, player 4 and player 5.
Other things
Things that are not as important
- All units (except for wards and the watch tower) gain +20% vision at day/lose 25% of their vision at night
- There is no music in this map, only sounds
- I've replaced some sounds with empty sound files, for example units won't talk to you anymore when you give them orders, when buildings are completed etc.
- If you type "pause" in the chat you can pause the game and still move the camera around and look at things, everyone can resume any pause by typing "resume" in the chat
- Unit Visibility Change Rate is 0,01, Reaction Delay is 0,05
- maximum supply is 999
- Construction and Upgrade Refund Rate is 1,00
How to win
Here are a few things you should definitely do:
- Block certain paths and ramps with boxes and create mazes that way
- Build boxes everywhere to gain vision, especially on top of ramps
- Don't start mining until the maze is large enough to keep everyone safe
- Don't maze with towers, it's ok if Kodos attack mazes, but towers are costly
- Try to remain as long as possible on the mid-level plateaus; once you are in the "outer circle" every way leads upwards.
- Make sure your team-mates know all these things
- If you've got much time on your hands, turn down the game speed
Jonas 'ForTheUnion' Harter (aka Panik)
olofmoleman (kodo beast model and icon)
Marcos DAB (Icons)
viiva (Icons)
Blizzard from wc3sear.ch (Icons)
Paladon (Icons)
DeathKnight (Icons)
kola (unused Icon)
67chrome (Icon)
-Berz- (Icons)
Traxamillion (Icon)
-Kobas- (Icon)
Skipper (Icon)
Darkfang (Icon)
PeeKay (Icon)
-translated some descriptions I overlooked previously
-fixed a bug with the ability "Treasure" purging some buffs
-nerfed the Blaze Kodo's immolation ability to 250 AoE affecting buildings and units
-added bonus coins, that give the player 10 Gold and 1 Kodopoint and appear randomly on the map
I'm aware of the fact that my map doesn't have a proper minimap preview yet. ^^
Suggestions and criticisms are very welcome.
Also feel free to do what you want with the map, just change the author and title and give credit where credit is due. :D
- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Defense (Team)
- Author:
- TheodoreAnawald 1
- Filename:
- KodoTagAngusEnglish.w3x
- Project Page:
- Kodo Tag: Angus
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 897.6 KB
- Tags:
- defense, kodo, mini-game, survival, tag
- Players:
- 8
- Teams:
- 1
- Dimensions:
- 128x128
- Playable Area:
- 106x106
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 207
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- TheodoreAnawald 1
- Discovered On:
- July 22, 2013
Share Map
- JavaScript Widget:
Kodo Tag: Angus
KodoTagAngusEnglish.w3x (897.6 KB)
- Released:
- July 22, 2013
- Downloads:
- 207
- Direct Link:

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