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- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- Pudge Wars v2.02-a1
Game2a.com Pudge War v2.02
Change Log
• New powerup: Some Fountain Manipulator powerup [NOT COMPLETED]
• Reworked Split.
• Reveal:
Duration: 30 -> 35
AoE: 800 -> 900
Cost: 5 -> 50 (decrease s by 5 ...
• New powerup: Some Fountain Manipulator powerup [NOT COMPLETED]
• Reworked Split.
• Reveal:
Duration: 30 -> 35
AoE: 800 -> 900
Cost: 5 -> 50 (decrease s by 5 gold every 7 mins until price -> 5)
• Illusion damage taken from 100% -> 200%
• Changed max. players from 12 -> 10 (allows observers in lobby, removed in-game observer commands)
• Change priority of projectile pickup for Toss, as follows:
1. Allied Land Mines
2. Allied Wards
3. Enemy Heroes
4. Allied Heroes
5. Enemy Land Mines
6. Enemy Wards
• Limited amount of Doppelwalk illusions to one. When Doppelwalk fires; any existing illusion will be destroyed.
• Grapple Hook radius capped to 250.
• Buying items with full inventory
• Item repickup limit removed.
• Added command: -clear
This command clears the screen of any text messages.
• Changed “dy” to “-dd”
• Changed “ff” to “-ff”
• Added “-r” for “-reset” command
• Changed
• Renamed Phantom’s Lance to Azwraith’s Lance.
• Rewrote Phantom’s Lance (Azwraith’s Lance) tooltip.
• Removed the “Advanced” from the map name
• Changed the player board (-sb board) to show method of killing for each individual method rather then a category. Instead of “powerup, attack, headshot, hook, item”, it is now “blades, fire, lightning, dynamite, etc.”. Methods of killing you haven’t used are coloured grey, whilst those you have are coloured green.
• Added disclaimer for Grappling Hook stating that it is not an offensive ability. It can only grapple structures, not hook units.
• Barricade and Grappling Hook command card position fixed so they don’t move around. Grapple Hook occupies (1, 2) and Lay Barricade occupies (2, 2).
• The Choose Upgrades window will automatically close after a player upgrades a stat if their skill points (or lumber) is below the minimum value required for an upgrade. For example: you have 5 Skill Points, all upgrades cost 3 Skill Points. You decide to upgrade a random stat, you are left with 2 Skill Points. Seeing as you are unable to upgrade anymore, the window will automatically close.
• Quest log detailing the amount of kills for each spree. Killing Spree - 3, and so forth.
• Dynamite: the floating text now follows the holding unit’s height.
• Dynamite: the floating text no longer jumps from 20 height to 150 when activated
• Toss: added a targeting image to show the collision-contact radius.
• Toss: land mines now face the proper direction when they are thrown with Toss.
• Pudge shadow centre changed from 60,60 to 75,75
• Rescaling the Grapple Hook model to more appropriate size.
• Changed the rate at which AI purchased items: 0.03125 -> 1.00
• Changed the rate at which AI predicted unit movement: 0.03125 -> 0.025
• Rescaled AI reaction time. Easy: 0.6s. Normal: 0.45s. Insane: 0.3s
• Fixed hyperspeed from not providing speed boost to revived players who died with hyperspeed
• Fixed the speed of objects in hyperspeed when Tossed
• Fixed illusions from being able to damage anything.
• Fixed a bug where Toss wouldn’t work.
• Fixed a bug in which powerups would not follow the proper trajectory when Tossed.
• Users may no longer purchase Tome of Power at Level 25. Gold is refunded if player attempts to purchase.
- Categories:
- Mini-game
- Author:
- Siraraz
- Filename:
- Game2a.com Pudge Wars v2.02.w3x
- Project Page:
- Pudge Wars v2.02-a1
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 908.1 KB
- Tags:
- mini-game
- Players:
- 15
- Teams:
- 2
- Dimensions:
- 32x32
- Playable Area:
- 32x32
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 5,196
- Downloads (Daily):
- 2 (ranked #154)
- Submitted By:
- Stogo 5
- Discovered On:
- Dec. 21, 2011
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- JavaScript Widget:
Pudge Wars v2.02-a1
Game2a.com Pudge Wars v2.02.w3x (908.1 KB)
- Released:
- Dec. 21, 2011
- Downloads:
- 5,196
- Direct Link:

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