- Nibbits
- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- Doom v1.0d
Welcome to your Doom
Doom is a Shooter-Map like the Original Game you must try
to get to the Exit on different Maps with different Weapons and a Handfull
of deadly different ...
Welcome to your Doom
Doom is a Shooter-Map like the Original Game you must try
to get to the Exit on different Maps with different Weapons and a Handfull
of deadly different Enemies.
There are 8 Main-Missions ingame. Episode-List:
-E1M1 - Hangar
-E1M2 - Nuclear Plant
-E1M3 - Toxin Refinery
-E1M4 - Command Control
-E1M5 - Phobos Lab
-E1M6 - Central Processing
-E1M7 - Computer Station
-E1M8 - Phobos Anomaly
-E1M9 - Tricks and Traps -Secret Level from Doom II. Try to find a Powerup
which leads to this Secret Area!
5 Difficultys you can choose from, select that one you think you can handle:
-I'm too young to die: You have 200% Health, The Enemies have 100% and
normal Damage.
-Hey, not too rough: You have 100% Health, The Enemies have 120% and +1
-Hurt me plenty: You have 100% Health, The Enemies have 155% and +2
-Ultra-Violence: You have 100% Health, The Enemies have 180% and +3
-Nightmare!: You have 100% Health, The Enemies have 180% and +3 Damage and
they will respawn after 35 Seconds if they Die !This is crazy!. Play at
own Risk!
If you play with Mutilple Players the Game gets hard too. For each Player
the Health of the Monsters will rise a small Amount.
There are 6 different Weapons in the Game, like in the
Original Game all of them have there invidual Style:
Damage: 7
Included ammo: 50 (at player spawn time)
Max ammo: 200
Ammo type: Bullets
Details: The average small Pistol, good for single small Targets and
Targets in far Range.
Damage: 20
Included ammo: 16
Max ammo: 50
Ammo type: Shotgun shells
Details: The Shotgun is good for dealing Damage on small distances, it
also has splash radius.
Damage: 7
Included ammo: 40
Max ammo: 200
Ammo type: Bullets
Details: This Weapon has no cooldown between the shots, that means you can
fire rapidly. Beware: The Pistol and Chaingun both shares their ammo.
Rocket Launcher
Damage: 75
Included ammo: 5
Max ammo: 50
Ammo type: Rockets
Details: This Weapon is very strong with splash Damage agianst multiple
Targets, it also has long range, be spare with the ammo, you won't get
that much.
Plasma Gun
Damage: 16
Included ammo: 40
Max ammo: 300
Ammo type: Plasma Cells
Details: This Weapon is the ultimate rapidly firing Machine with great
Damage and fast Speed also good Range.
Damage: 100
Included ammo: 40
Max ammo: 300
Ammo type: Plasma Cells
Details: This Weapon is the Beast. Each shot deals lots of Damage to a big
Radius. Each Shot drains 40 Ammo and the Ammo is shared with the Plasma
There are multiple different Items with different Effects:
Replenishes Health by 40 Points.
Ammo Clip
Adds Ammo to all Weapons you carry:
-Pistol +8
-Shotgun +4
-Chaingun +40
-Rocket Launcher +1
-Plasma Gun +40
-BFG9000 +40
-Green +100Armor
-Blue +200 Armor
-Red +300 Armor
Increases Movementspeed by 200% for a few Seconds.
Invulnerability Artifact
Makes you Invulnerable for a few Seconds.
Blur Artifact
Makes you Invisible for a few Seconds.
Soul Sphere
Sets you Health to 100%.
-Blue Key
-Red Key
-Yellow Key
Needed to open colored Doors!
You will face different Monsters in the Game, all of them
have Strenghts/Weaknesses here are the Details:
Health: 20
Damage: 70 Blast Radius
Details: If you shoot them they Explode and damaging everything nearby
even you so be carefull.
Health: 20
Damage: 1-7
Details: Weak Prey with low Damage and Health. Only dangerous if attacked
by multiple.
Shotgun Guy
Health: 30
Damage: 3-15
Details: A lillte bit stronger then the ZombieMan and with bigger Damage.
Health: 60
Damage: 3-24
Details: Shoots Fireballs that can deal hard Damage and also have more
Health then Zombies. You can dodge the Fireballs though.
Health: 150
Damage: 4-40
Details: Big Health but only dangerous at Meele.
Health: 150
Damage: 4-40
Details: Same as Demons but they are invisible until they attack!
Lost Soul
Health: 100
Damage: 2-24
Details: Normal Health and low Damage, only dangerous when attacked by
multiple, but they can fly!
Health: 400
Damage: 10-60
Details: Also can fly, their Fireballs deals big Damage but can be dodged
too. They have big Health.
Baron of Hell
Health: 1000
Damage: 10-80
Details: A big Demon with very high Damage and Health, better concentrate
fire on them. Their Attacks can be dodged too!
Health: 4000
Damage: 20-160
Details: The Ultimate Demon with lots of Health and Rocketlauncher that
deals SplashDamage, better pray when facing him!
Map Overview
Basic Functions
Your Marine has 4 different standard Spells that are
always available here the Functions are explained:
-Use [E] = You need this ability on "Levers" which opens Grey Doors.
-Shoot [F] = Shoots the Weapon that is currently equipped.
-Armor [W] = This Spell is based on "ManaShield", if you aquire a Armor
Powerup, Armor (Mana) is added to your Marine and he will use this Spell
automatically. That means Armor in the Map is not temporaly, its based on
your Mana.
-Equip Chainsaw [Q] = Switches Weapon to Chainsaw, can be only used in
Meele but has good Speed and unlimited Ammo. So if you have no Ammo left
there you go.
-Backup [R] = Calls in 2 Ammo Clips and 1 Health-Kit on your Position so
you can replenish yourself. Warning this Spell has a cooldown of 180
Seconds!, so use it whisely.
Weapon Functions
-Your can carry up to 6 Weapons , each slot of your Marine
is used for another Weapon and you can only carry one Weapon of each Type.
-You will see on each Weapon there is a Nuber which represents the current
Ammo of the Weapon. If a Weapon is equiped and you shoot with it the
Number runs lower (depends on the Weapon). Some Weapons share their Ammo-
Type so watch out for that. You can fast switch between Weapons by
clicking on the Weapon Icons in your Inventory. If a Weapon has no Ammo
left the will be no Number and your Hero won't shoot if you use the Spell.
If you die all Weapons except for Pistol will be vanish and you need to
get them all again.
-The Weapon System is not working automatically, you always need to Press
the Spellbutton and then the Target Location to Shoot. Use Hotkey "F" to
shoot fast. Some Weapons have a little Cooldown between the Shots.
-Grey Door are always opened by pulling a Lever. You will
hear a sound if the Door opens. Sometimes multiple Levers need to be
pushed before 1 Door opens.
-Colored Doors can only be opened by stepping in Front of it if you carry
the right colored Key.
-If a Player picks up a Key it will move into his Backpack. If he uses the
Key on a Door it will be removed. Only one Key is available so speak up
with your Buddies who takes it. If a Player dies he will drop the Key on
its Position so another Player can take it.
Environment Hazards
-Barrels are dangerous for you and your Mates. If you
shoot on them don't stand to close to them they deal a lot of Damage, but
they can be dangerous for your Enenies too.
-Don't step on any of the now listed GroundTextures:
-Complete Red Lava-Ground
-Lava Ground
-Poisoned green Ground
All of them will damage you instantly very hard and if you stand longer
then 2 Seconds on them you are Dead. Sometimes you try to think to get
over them to cut short to a other Side. Don't even think about it, it will
kill you and if you carry a Key then the Key will be on the dangerous
Ground too and will be hard too reach for your Mates.
Weapons/Armor respawn
-As the Map is for 8 Players the Weapons you pick up will
respawn instantly so everone can pick them up any Time. But you can't drop
them or get 2 of them.
-Same with Armors, but here it is an advantage for all of you because you
can come back everytime to replenish your Armor.
Other Stuff
-It is advised to play in Team. Each Enemy has a Chance to
drop Health or Armor if he dies. You won't find that much Items in the
Maps itself. So the Ammo and Health needs to be shared between the Players
if you realy want to survive.
If one of you reaches an Exit of a Map, all Players will respawn in the
Next Map but only with a Pistol, so they need to get the Weapons again.
But don't be afraid, each Map features every Weapon you found in the Map
before. Sometimes you just need to explore the whole Area.
-Each Time a Enemy sights you it will play a "Sighted"
-There are Sounds for Deads of Enemies and the Player, Weapon-Sounds and
other. All taken from the Original Game.
-There are Sounds for Opening Door and pushing Levers too. So each Time
you hear a Door open Sounds you can expect that somewhere a Door has been
- Categories:
- Unfinished
- Author:
- NWA_1986 1
- Filename:
- Doom.w3x
- Project Page:
- Doom v1.0d
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 1.0 MB
- Overall Rating:
3 / 5 (1 votes, ranked #1,125) - Tags:
- cooperative, hero, playing, role
- Players:
- 8
- Teams:
- 2
- Dimensions:
- 256x192
- Playable Area:
- 249x185
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 484
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- NWA_1986 1
- Discovered On:
- March 12, 2011
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- Opinion:
1 vote considered -
- Neutral
- Terrain:
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- Sound:
- Replay Value:
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