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- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- Navy Cross TD V1.37
Navy Cross TD V1.37
Navy Cross TD started off as a little project for myself, Lebsoljah, and soon expanded to be a big, fully-functional TD map. There are currently no known bugs or errors, everything is fully ...
Navy Cross TD started off as a little project for myself, Lebsoljah, and soon expanded to be a big, fully-functional TD map. There are currently no known bugs or errors, everything is fully functional, the map has been tweaked for balancing of creep hp and tower damage. We're still in BETA phase because we do believe that this map could and will have more potential.
The Storyline
Captain Red-beard was sailing across the big blue sea searching for an island that rumor said was filled with treasures. He had been searching for almost an entire decade for this island, and now he had finally found it, with the help of his crew, of course. Captain Red-beard was so eager to find this treasure that he forgot the main rule of a true pirate, always check to make sure the island is inhabited, and if there is any living thing on it, KILL IT! Captain Red-beard ordered his crew to acre the ship and search for the treasure, and after a long day of searching, they found nothing. Tired and hungry, the captain and crew decided to go back to the ship for a feast and sleep so that they can continue the search the next morning. Once they arrive at the shore, their ship was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, they hear a loud riot running towards them, OH NO! The secret villagers knew they were after their hidden treasure, and tried to kill them! But Captain Red-beard doesn't give up that easily... CHARGE YOU SCURVY SEA DOGS !
A basic introduction to the world of "Navy Cross TD
The TD so far has 30 waves and 3 boss waves, each wave increases units HP by 1.3, bosses have their health increased by the last units hp x10. There is one boss wave after every 10th wave. Navy Cross TD features over 25 towers, including many custom model ones which include upgradable researches. There are 4 Navy teams in total, each of which consists of 2 players on one lot of land. Every Navy team has 60 lives, once they lose their lives, they will be removed from the game and their waves will stop spawning. If a player on a Navy team leaves for some reason, all their units will be given to their corresponding team mate. There is a lumbering feature which is very helpful, you may train workers and have them collect lumber, then trade the lumber in for gold, or gold in for lumber at the Farm.
For all those who are wondering: Yes, this map is in fact protected.
Change Log
[b]Current map version is now V1.30:[/b]
New features & bug fixes:
- VIP feature has been completely removed, it was ruining the originality and fairness of the game
- Navy Captain now ...
Current map version is now V1.30:
New features & bug fixes:
- VIP feature has been completely removed, it was ruining the originality and fairness of the game
- Navy Captain now maintains the same form when going into the "next builder form"
- Removed some useless doodads (such as some of the blue fire around the trees)
- Many unused imports and units/abilities have been removed
- If a team is defeated, their spawns will now be automaticly removed from the game (yay for less lag!)
- Many triggers have been optimized, and many useless ones were removed to make the map better in general and to help reduce lag and memory leaks.
- All towers are now able to shoot a minimum of 3 rows (some rows can shoot more, but you won't need more than 3 rows to build)
- Towers no longer attack any other teams units
- New towers are still being made, and will all be released at once. Currently they're incomplete and are still being tested. Once testing is completed, the towers will be released and will be buildable with your "next builder form" which is an already implemented feature into the map. (this will make up for the use of only ONE builder, and not being able to choose between different races, and adds a twist to the TD genre in general)
- Changed the Frost Tower's model
- Fixed bug where quests no longer showed up
- All cheats have been removed
- Many other minor bug fixes
*Please note: I will not be editing the terrain on this map. I've worked extremely hard, and changed the terrain 3-4 times now and I'm not interested in remaking the ENTIRE map and spending hours of my time fixing it over a little brick distortion.
Current map version is now V1.10:
New features & bug fixes:
- No longer in Beta
- Creep paths are bigger now
- Omega tower now has a portrait
- Navy building bases are now smaller
- Terrain has been changed a little
- Igloos are now upgradable up to 4 times
- Max food limit is now 100
- Omega tower now only has one attack
- Added in-game tips to help out new players
- Updated quests
Current map version is now V0.99:
New features & bug fixes:
- Slaves have been changed from snowmen to penguins
- Memory leaks have been fixed, game is A LOT less laggy now
- Frost tower has had it's custom model removed, and has been replaced with another one
- Rocking Arthas doodads have been removed
- Triggers are a lot more efficient
- Fixed all hotkeys
- Changed game upkeep to game version
- Instead of Quests the map now says Game Info
- Navy Captains no longer take up 1 food
- Removed useless imports
- Edited terrain a bit to better suit the map
- Many other bug fixes
Current map version is now V0.88:
New features & bug fixes:
- Added new doodads and made the map look a lot better in general
- Creeps will no longer spawn for a navy team if that team is empty
- Creeps now spawn every 2 seconds instead of every 3 seconds
- Death Tower's AOE has been fixed
- All towers now turn instead of just staying still now
- Many towers have had their attack animations changed (change occurs per tower tier)
- Wave 6 was fixed, it now spawns for all teams
- Many tower and worker sound/model files have been replaced and/or edited
- Omega Tower has been re-sized, buffed, had it's attack animations changed, and now has 2 different attacks
- All Legendary towers have had their prices reduced
- Quests has been updated, proper credits have been given
- V.I.P. feature added for beta testers and "note-worthy players"
- Slaves are now snowmen, to go along with the winter theme
- Waves no longer spawn within 30 second delays (60 seconds per spawn), they now spawn with 45 second delays (75 seconds per spawn), this gives players enough time to build the required towers, etc
- Slaves now cost 105 gold instead of 125
- Slaves can now be detonated, and you will be reimbursed 50% of your money which was spent to create the slave after detonation
- If a team is now empty or both the players have left from the game, the team will stop spawning waves and have their leaderboard removed
- The terrain that said "Lebsoljah" on it has been removed
- Author has been edited (ShadowBaneWrath unfortunately is no longer working on this project and doesn't take much credit)
- Loading screen has been changed to a new and better one
Current map version is now V0.71:
New features & bug fixes:
- New and improved terrain
- Added a lot more decoration to the map
- Towers are now organized from cheapest to most expensive
- Slaves now cost 105 gold instead of 125
- Fixed mix up between Navy 3 and Navy 4's lives
- Changed summer trees to snowy trees
- Slaves now harvest 4 lumber instead of 3
- Farms now cost 72 lumber to build instead of 90, as well as 12 seconds instead of 15
- Farms have been changed to Igloos
- Added improved harvesting upgrades
- Added detonate ability for slaves which returns 50% of the gold spent to make them
- Slaves are now snowmen (hehe)
- Fixed creep bounty, they now have a fixed amount of bounty awarded for killing
- Maul tower and Omega tower have had their attack animations changed
I really hope you can take another moment to take this map into consideration, I've worked very hard on it and would really like it to be one of the next epic TD maps. I've changed the entire terrain, and added many more features to the map this version.
Current map version is now V0.65:
New features & bug fixes:
- Fixed bug where if blue left then remaining units will be handed over to BLUE instead of red
- Fixed all tower ranges, they no longer attack other Navy teams creeps
- Fixed wave 10 upcoming wave text
Current map version is now V0.64:
New features & bug fixes:
- Towers in the second row now have better range
- Some towers have been reworked and had their tooltips fixed and their attack animations changed
- Fixed the bug where when a Navy team gets defeated the screen gets spammed with defeat messages, now it displays "Navy # has run out of lives and has been defeated!"
- Players now spawn with 175 gold instead of 125
- Fixed all the Boss Waves, they no longer have any armor which balances the game a lot more due to their massive health
- Fixed Boss Wave 1 and 2 HP
- Boss Waves now have 2.3X HP of the last wave before their spawn
Known bugs in progress of being fixed:
- Towers cannot be built past 2 rows because of range acquisition problems, this is a very simple fix and will be implemented into the next version.
This last update has taken a lot of hard work and effort, it's been very time consuming. I truly hope this will be sufficient enough to remove most or all bugs until the very next V0.70 update. I would like to say thank you for all those who have been supporting my work and like and/or rate this map. I hope everyone enjoys playing this TD as much as I enjoy working on it. ~Lebsoljah
Current map version is now V0.59:
New features & bug fixes:
- Loading screen has been changed
- Boss wave 3 has been tweaked
- Few other bug fixes
Current map version is now V0.58:
New features & bug fixes:
- Siege engine wave now has no armor, should be a lot easier
- Players now start with only 125 gold instead of 315, this is to reduce early inflation
- Frost tower has been fixed and now attacks again
Current map version is now V0.57:
New features & bug fixes:
- Omega tower has had it's damage adjusted again and has been repriced
- All towers have had their damage adjusted to correspond with their gold cost
- All units are properly increased by 1.3X HP per wave now
- Hopefully no more bugs until V0.60 :)
Current map version is now V0.56:
New features & bug fixes:
- Omega Tower has been nerfed and price to build it has been decreased
- Fixed bug where when a team gets defeated the game will spam "Player # has been defeated!" for over a minute
- Fixed bug where Navy 3 boss wave was spawning for Navy 1 instead
- Changed the Frost Tower to a new model by Misha, Frost Archon
- All units HP have been re-worked
- All tower damages have been re-worked
- Removed the Multi-Shot ability from Arrow Tower and Arrow Tower Tier 2
- Changed handicaps, they are now set as:
Very easy Mode - 50%
Easy Mode - 75%
Normal Mode - 100%
Medium Mode - 130%
Hard Mode - 165%
Insane Mode - 190%
Hell Mode - 215%
Impossible Mode - 250%
*Note: Recommended game-play mode is Hard or above. Very Easy Mode up to Normal Mode is recommended for solo players, first-time players and/or beginners.
Current map version is now V0.53:
New features & bug fixes:
- Quests have been added
- Omega Tower's pathing map has been changed to better suit it's new decreased size
- Doodads have been added to paths for a little decoration and to indicate creep movement
- The map has been given a bit of a make-over
- Credits have been given
Current map version is now V0.52:
New features & bug fixes:
- Each wave now displays level information
- Tower ranges have been fixed with region triggers that upgrade acquisition range
- Fixed certain waves that were giving WAY too much bounty, they now give the appropriate amount of gold that was originally intended
- Waves now stop running once a team runs out of lives
- Teams are now removed from the leaderboard if they run out of lives
- Some custom creep names were edited to better suit them
- Decreased the game mode handicaps to make them more suitable
Handicaps are now:
Very Easy - 50%
Easy - 75%
Normal - 100%
Medium - 115%
Hard - 125%
Insane - 135%
Hell - 145%
Impossible - 165%
Current map version is now V0.49:
New features & bug fixes:
- Reverted lasers to hitting every 10 seconds instead of every 5 seconds
- Fixed the 'Sell Towers' tooltip
- Removed upgrades for Frost Tower
- Added triggers so that if a player currently on your team leaves, all their units will become yours, therefore balancing the game
- Updated kicking triggers, the game will now display the name of the player that was kicked
- Added triggers to inform everyone if a player leaves, and that their units were given to their corresponding team mate
Current map version is now V0.47:
New features & bug fixes:
- Omega tower now has a smaller scaling value and looks like a real tower rather than a giant unit
- Demonic tower now has a pathing map
- Demonic tower now has tier 2
- 4VS4 mode has been implemented, player towers will only reach THEIR creeps now and the game will end once all teams are defeated
- Some new custom models have been added
- Removed some useless map triggers to reduce game lag (which there never was.. but the more optimization the better :P)
- Lasers will now shoot at 5 places (4 map corners and center) every 5 seconds instead of ever 10 seconds
- All player lives (Navy team 1, 2, 3 and 4) have been set to 60
- Players Red & Blue, Teal & Purple, Yellow & Orange, Green & Pink are now in their own individual Navy teams
- This TD is no longer a 'cooperative' TD map, but is instead a 'survival' TD map now due to the nature of most TD's and the way this game will be managed and updated in the future, we thought it'd be best like this (not to mention heaps more fun! :D)
Current map version is now V0.41:
New features & bug fixes:
- Omega Tower is now listed as a 'Legendary' tower
- Omega Tower now has a new attack which suits it much more than the old one
- Farms now only take 15 seconds to build instead of 35
- Legendary towers now require food to be built
- Gold and lumber is given every 5 minutes now for a total of 30 minutes
- Changed all tower ranges to only be able to reach YOUR creeps, this will help implement the new 2VS2, 4VS4 and FFA game versions which will later be added, and also helps maintain a balanced game while balancing gold as well
- Slaves only carry 3 lumber now instead of the original 5, this helps reduce the amount of people farming while others build
- Added 4 Navy teams instead of only 1, this will be later used to implement the 2VS2, 4VS4 and FFA game versions, and helps keep track of which players team with each other.
- Arrow Towers have been reworked and should now work perfectly fine, and be much more than worth the money that you spend on them, especially when massed
- Players no longer need to depend on massing single towers anymore, it's much better to use a range of towers instead of massing now, because all towers have been balanced out
Current map version is now V0.40:
New features:
- Over 24 new towers, each with their very own special attacks and/or abilities
- Sell Tower feature
- 'Legendary' Towers have been added to the game
- Lumbering system has been added
- Slaves have been added for lumber harvesting
- Gold to Lumber/Lumber to Gold has been added to the farm
- New Omega Tower and Demonic Towers have been added
- All creeps grant bounty and is much more balanced than before
- All towers have had a test-run and work fine, damage is balanced out, and the towers overall are worth the gold put into them.
- Added a dialog feature with modes
- Implemented modes with handicap settings
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the 'Sell Tower' ability was not returning gold
- Fixed the Gold to Lumber/Lumber to Gold units at the Farm
- Fixed a model defect which would turn some game shades blue for a certain amount of time
- Fixed problem where players would randomly freeze in-game due to a laser projectile that was added
- Fixed the text that says "The game will end in 20 seconds" at game start
This TD map is a close to finished product. The most work we expect to do more on it is adding a range of 20-70 more waves, and adding 2VS2 and 4VS4 modes, as well as adding a few new custom towers and/or a morphing builder which builds additional towers. You should also expect to see an additional 3 or more 'legendary' towers.
We really hope you enjoy this TD as much as we've enjoyed making it. We've put a lot of hard work and dedication into making this map, and we'd really appreciate your feedback.
- Categories:
- Defense (Competitive)
- Author:
- lebsoljah 1
- Filename:
- Navy Cross TD V1.30P.w3x
- Project Page:
- Navy Cross TD V1.37
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 2.2 MB
- Tags:
- arena, build, building, competitive, cooperative, cross, defence, defense, hero, heroes, leb, lebby, lebsoljah, maul, navy, playing, rpg, shadow, team, tower, towers, wars
- Players:
- 8
- Teams:
- 5
- Dimensions:
- 64x64
- Playable Area:
- 52x54
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 79
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- lebsoljah 1
- Discovered On:
- Oct. 12, 2010
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Navy Cross TD V1.37
Navy Cross TD V1.30P.w3x (2.2 MB)
- Released:
- Oct. 12, 2010
- Downloads:
- 79
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