- Nibbits
- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- LSC v6.48
The war of the Alliance(humans, night elves and orcs) and Scourge had seemingly never end. Both of them had agreed to come to a tournament, with an arena seperately operated. Both of them shall ...
The war of the Alliance(humans, night elves and orcs) and Scourge had seemingly never end. Both of them had agreed to come to a tournament, with an arena seperately operated. Both of them shall carefully fight the game of challenge that will decide the destiny of the world!
The war of the Alliance(humans, night elves and orcs) and Scourge had seemingly never end. Both of them had agreed to come to a tournament, with an arena seperately operated. Both of them shall carefully fight the game of challenge that will decide the destiny of the world!
Change Log
- Game:
- Changed typos in item names
- No longer restriction on weapons
- Maximum Life set to 35 from 45
- Optimised some codes to fix lag issues
- Sorted all heroes of 3 types in ...
- Game:
- Changed typos in item names
- No longer restriction on weapons
- Maximum Life set to 35 from 45
- Optimised some codes to fix lag issues
- Sorted all heroes of 3 types in the tarverns
- Redecorated the tarvern area
- Improved descriptions for elemental upgrades
- Improved description for many items
- New Mechanics for essense shop
- Changed Troll Shaman Attack Missile
- Iron Helm bonus drop from (20 to all) to (15 to all)
- Renamed Aura naming for bosses
- Renamed Summoner to Paladin and changed model (boss)
- Renamed Skeleton Raiser to Dark Summoner
- Renamed Death Doomic to Demon Lord
- Renamed Death Hunter to Rune Hunter
- Added a new display style for Stage 2
- Adds 1 second penalty to revive time
- Added new command -revive to buy out
- Added a check for dead units for creep slay details
- New display board for talent
- "-talent" command now used to show/hide board
- Made the teleporter more visible
- Meat Wagon can now collect corpse
- Exp gain ratio changed (5% [regards to level] -> 10% of damage [regardless of level])
- Adjusted hit points of neutral creeps purchasable
- Multiboard now shows revival time of allies in contents
- Stage board is removed
- Added new descriptions for few heroes
- Renamed Doomic Blast to Chaos Clap
- Changed Visuals for Flame Burst, renamed to Death Burst
- Nerfed Mana shield block from boss from 10 -> 5 damage per mana drain, mana cost from 100 to 125
- Thunder Clap and Chaos Clap will not pause boss that long
- Added minor hp and mp regeneration to bosses (Mountain King/Demon Lord: +0.5 mp regen, Paladin/Dark Summoner: +5 mp regen, Archmage/Rune Hunter: +5 hp regen, +2 mp regen)
- Soul Walker:
- Enhance Attack improved (1.5 secs -> 0.05 secs transform time)
- Master Ranger:
- Improved Bouncing Arrow (100/135/170/205/240/275/310/345 mc -> 100/115/130/145/160/175/190/205 mc)
- Magic Bow cooldown improved (100/95/90/85/80/75 cd -> 100/90/80/70/60/50)
- Doom Cleaver:
- Adjusted Starting stats (S/G/I: 24/6/20 -> 37/6/7)
- Rain of Doom improved (150/170/190/210/230/250/270/290 mc -> 65/85/105/125/145/165/185/205)
- Dark Blader:
- Howl of Terror buffed (150/170/190/210/230/250/270/290 mc -> 75/95/115/135/155/175/195/215 mc)
- Mystic Being:
- Changed main attribute to Agility from Intelligence
- Dragon Spawn:
- Crushing Hydro improved (120/140/160/180/200/220/240/260 mc -> 65/75/85/95/105/115/125/135 mc)
- Ocean Blade reworked (100/125/150/175/200/225 aoe -> 50/100/150/200/250/300 aoe)
- Dual Blader:
- Shockwave renamed as Holy Lucent
- Dark Slashing renamed as Ductile
- Nature Protector:
- Nature Wave nerfed (30/28/26/24/22/20 cd -> 100/85/70/55/40/25 cd)
- Troll Shaman:
- Lightning Shield reworked (30 dur -> 7 dur, 10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45 dmg -> 20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90 dmg)
- Mana Burn improved (300 range -> 700 range)
- Mystic Being:
- Smaller scale the model
- Necromancer:
- New attack projectile
- Living Dead improved (160 cd -> 200/180/160/140/120/100 cd)
- Raise Dead (5 cd -> 5/4.5/4/3.5/3/2.5/2/1.5 cd)
- Nerfed Breath of Death (15 cd -> 20 cd)
- Saiyan:
- Kristal Blast nerfed (18/17/16/15/14/13/12/11 cd -> 23/22/21/20/19/18/17/16 cd)
- Lord of Skeleton:
- New attack projectile
- Spawn Strike has a new projectile
- Soul Walker:
- Improve Forgotten Souls (60/56/52/48/44/40/36/32 cd -> 40/38/36/34/32/30/28/26 cd)
- Psonic Mage:
- Changed attack projectile
- Psonic Bolt now only takes 0.5 flight time, he comes down immediately after
- Cosmetics & Details
- New effects on item purchasing
- Reworked Channel Flame graphics
- New Initial Color for Mana Burst
- New spawn effects for Stage 3 revival
- Special attachment after stage 3 revival for bosses
- Added Visuals for Mana Burst
- Second spawn for Mountain King will have an avatar state
- Fixed an issue with centaur arrow
- Smaller damage dealt will have higher offset (50/100 and above difference )
- Damage dealt text appears random position about the damaged (random 0 to 250 with random angle 90 and 270)
- Map Style:
- Multiple
- Categories:
- Defense (Team)
- Author:
- Destiny.Knight 5
- Filename:
- LegendaryStageChallengev6.47.w3x
- Project Page:
- LSC v6.48
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 3.3 MB
- Tags:
- challenge, defence, hero, items, legendary, stage, strategic, strategy, talent
- Players:
- 8
- Teams:
- 2
- Dimensions:
- 128x128
- Playable Area:
- 122x119
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 30
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Destiny.Knight 5
- Discovered On:
- July 17, 2010
Share Map
- JavaScript Widget:
LSC v6.48
LegendaryStageChallengev6.47.w3x (3.3 MB)
- Released:
- July 17, 2010
- Downloads:
- 30
- Direct Link:

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