- Nibbits
- WarCraft 3
- Maps
- LSC v6.37
The war of the Alliance(humans, night elves and orcs) and Scourge had seemingly never end. Both of them had agreed to come to a tournament, with an arena seperately operated. Both of them shall ...
The war of the Alliance(humans, night elves and orcs) and Scourge had seemingly never end. Both of them had agreed to come to a tournament, with an arena seperately operated. Both of them shall carefully fight the game of challenge that will decide the destiny of the world!
The war of the Alliance(humans, night elves and orcs) and Scourge had seemingly never end. Both of them had agreed to come to a tournament, with an arena seperately operated. Both of them shall carefully fight the game of challenge that will decide the destiny of the world!
Change Log
- Game:
- Fixed a bug with the seconds (game timer)
- Pocket Factory no longer works as target cast
- Renamed Troll Shaman (Rhasta Model) to Troll Attendant
- Added new descriptions
- Game:
- Fixed a bug with the seconds (game timer)
- Pocket Factory no longer works as target cast
- Renamed Troll Shaman (Rhasta Model) to Troll Attendant
- Added new descriptions
- Attack missile for range no longer changes for elements (fire, ice)
- Added equipment effect for elements (changed fire, changed ice, added for poison and dark)
- Changed alot of element activation style for many abilities
- Added a top 3 at the end game, replacing the scorer and farmer tag
- Wind Raider:
- Swap Ultimate with Iron Wind and reworked
- Ensnare improved (15 cd -> 15/14/13/12/11/10/9/8 cd)
- Shadow Champion:
- Ultimate Combat no longer makes the targets invulerable
- Goblin Man:
- Nerfed Robo-Goblin (250[fixed typo] ms -> 225 ms)
- Nerfed Engineering Upgrade for Rockets (+30/50/70/90/110/130/150/170 aoe dmg -> +15/25/35/45/55/65/75/85 aoe dmg)
- Centaur Crossbow:
- Centaur Arrow has new description
- Game:
- Fixed an issue with killing units
- Fixed a bug for stage 2 (Scourge)
- Fixed a bug with stage 3 boss
- Fixed an issue with float texts
- Time Diver:
- Reworked Allotment Strike (longer intervals, does not hit fogged units)
- Fixed a major bug with tower kills
- Lava Golem:
- Reworked Volcano Form (200 ms, bonus damage - > 100/150/200/250/300/350)
- Reterraining
- Tarvern is no longer visible after hero selection
- Added teleporter to defend base
- Revised Gold bonuses
- Each kill from waves has got 50% chance to get +1
- Neutral Creep kills +1 gold
- Towers has reworked regenerations
- Lower gold earning rates
- Tanking now also grants exp
- Clean up some description issues
- Added new streak kill sounds
- Cleaned some variables
- Many other spells improved
- Added new charge item Scroll of Teleportation
- Raise price of Staff of Teleportation
- Tower now gives bonus EXP shared (1000 exp shared, 250 exp if denied)
- Basic Weapon shop disabled before game start to fix a bug
- Rechoose trigger will disabled after game starts (Items on previous hero will be passed back on newly picked hero)
- Combat Specialised named Shadow Champion
- Holy Assasin:
- Fan of Knives improved (20 secs -> 8 seconds)
- Saiyan:
- Kristal Blast improved (20 secs cd -> 18/17/16/15/14/13/12/11 secs cd)
- Nerfed Teleport (150/140/130/120/110/100/90/80 -> 150/200/250/300/350/400/450/500 mana cost)
- Flaming Doom:
- Channel Flame (20 -> 9 seconds cd)
- Death Wizard:
- Buffed Dark Bolt (15/14/13/12/11/10/9/8 secs -> 7 seconds)
- Reworked Confusion (Dimension Hold, stuns 1.5, long cast range at later levels, moderate cd)
- Reworked Mind Drain's Return Int Mechanism
- Lightning Shaman:
- Buffed Chain Lightning (12 -> 7 seconds cd)
- Lich:
- Nerfed Heart of Frost (100/130/160/190/220/250 activation mana -> 200/300/400/500/600/700 activation mana)
- Edge:
- Nerfed Mirror Image (100/110/120/130/140/150/160/170 -> 100/150/200/250/300/350/400/450)
- Mystic Being:
- Buffed Future Strike (15 -> 11 seconds cd)
- Psonic Mage:
- Buffed Psonic Bolt (11 -> 8 seconds cd)
- Troll Batrider:
- Lumination (12->9 seconds cd)
- Wind Raider:
- Rework Iron Wind (4 seconds -> 2/2.2/2.4/2.6/2.8/3/3.2/3.4 seconds, 25-> 15 seconds cd, mana cost reworked)
- Dual Blader:
- Dark Slashing now affects units and towers
- Fixed a glitch
- Nerfed Lord of Gigantis
- Game:
- Fixed a bug with boss stage bonus gold
- Gold bonus given as long as tower is still standing, more gold if tower has full hp
- Optimised game update coding
- Map Style:
- Multiple
- Categories:
- Defense (Team)
- Author:
- Destiny.Knight 5
- Filename:
- LegendaryStageChallengev6.36.w3x
- Project Page:
- LSC v6.48
- Type:
- WarCraft 3 Map
- Size:
- 3.3 MB
- Tags:
- challenge, defence, hero, items, legendary, stage, strategic, strategy, talent
- Players:
- 8
- Teams:
- 2
- Dimensions:
- 128x128
- Playable Area:
- 122x119
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 34
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- Destiny.Knight 5
- Discovered On:
- July 3, 2010
Share Map
- JavaScript Widget:
LSC v6.37
LegendaryStageChallengev6.36.w3x (3.3 MB)
- Released:
- July 3, 2010
- Downloads:
- 34
- Direct Link:

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