Hero Wars Icelands v2.20

Rank 730 out of 61,556 in WarCraft 3
This map is part of the Hero Wars Icelands v2.20 project.
A newer version of this map, Solo Tower Defense 1.1c, is available.

User Comments

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  • In response to Hero Wars Icelands v2.20

    For Info Hero Wars was created long time before dota, and the game plays is diférent, only item base no trnasformation of item.

    The map is really nice and now the game is balanced, the regrets for me is no duel 2vs2 :s old version was good for this.

  • In response to Hero Wars Icelands v2.20

    Ce hero wars2.2 si on peut apeller sa un hw c'est de la vrai chiasse nous les pro nous trouvont sa dommage que cette version soit basé de 1.2ar alors que c'est faux sa resssemble en rien a notre unique version pro qui est 1.2ar. par la suite les old school qui joue a 1.2ar , nous trouvont sa dommage que les nouveaux joueur de (hw) joue a cette version il n'y a aucune stratégie bonne toute les nouvelle options sont toutes CHEATED. by: clem-29[hw]

  • In response to Hero Wars Icelands v2.20

    For those interested, Hero Wars Icelands is back in production! You can have your input at BizzForge.com. As for the whole development team being back together, that is not promised.

  • In response to Hero Wars Icelands v2.20

    To Arcisal,

    You made two semi-coherant points, as far as I can tell, and they are:

    1) The map is boring.
    2) The map is a DotA rip-off.

    The map may be simple, but there is enough variation that I personally don't find it boring. This is a judgment call, though, and enters the realm of opinion.

    The map, however, is NOTHING like DotA. Nothing at ALL. It is SO far from DotA that it makes me wonder if you've even bothered to play this map. Here are some of the big differences:

    1) To upgrade heroes, your PRIMARILY TOME, instead of primarily buying items. Tomes cause different value inflation, especially when they are as cheap as they are in Hero Wars, and lead to extremely different gameplay.

    2) There is only one lane in Hero Wars, and all heroes play on it. Terrain and positioning are of very low importance in most Hero Wars. As should be obvious to everyone, DotA has three lanes, and terrain and positioning is very critical to the game.

    3) Level actually matters in DotA. In Hero Wars, you can level up so quickly via tower kills (in RoC) and via exp tomes (in TFT), that you can be level 6 by the first duel (at 3.5 mins into the game) with EASE.

    4) The conditions for victory in Hero Wars is PRIMARILY to "backdoor" the farm, by soloing it with heroes. Pushing is relatively irrelevant, except as a distraction to get heroes inside the tower line. You can also build towers and other defenses in Hero Wars, and it's a primary function of the game.

    The list goes on and on, my friend. Sorry, but you are DEAD wrong.

    Registered User
  • In response to Hero Wars Icelands v2.20

    if you actually understand the concept of maps you wouldn't be making some stupid remarks. DotA and HW are completely different - the only correlation is that they're both hero based maps. There is so many differences that it's difficult to list them all. Understand maps before you make such uneducated remarks...

  • In response to Hero Wars Icelands v2.20

    Ughhh. I hate these type of maps. They're just plain ol' boring and what many of us including me would call:


    Your map is just another variation of D*t*, which is really disappointing. And one last thing:


    Registered User

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