Lazerus TD 4.3

Rank 674 out of 61,555 in WarCraft 3
This map is part of the Lazerus TD 6.0b project.
A newer version of this map, Lazerus TD 6.0b, is available.

User Comments

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  • Project Contributor In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    Ok this is the one that I will be hosting with my bot, that I got to work finaly, untill I get enough glich changes to put out 5.0

    So this is the one, least glich and best playability. Thanks.

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    You should have a way to unstuck creeps. Someone left in the middle of a round and there were creeps stuck in her lane. So we had to leave D=

    Lordaeron (U.S. West)
  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    -debug works just fine

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    Good to hear you got your bot working! =D

    If mb didn't know about debug, (and hes a big TD player) do you have adequate reference for telling players about antistuck?

    I haz custom title
    Lordaeron (U.S. West)
  • Project Contributor In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    No, but I think that is a good idea. There is so much text info if I add a check to show the tip then I ought to just invent a trigger that runs the debug automatically.. Might be in 5.0 if not just a tip.

  • Project Contributor In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    What? Is that a statement?

  • Project Contributor In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    OH somebody removed that post, wish I could edit my posts.

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    A little glitchy sometimes but good!

  • Project Contributor In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    Ya, I found 2 glitches where the spawns stopped and was able to fix one of them and finagle the other to work better.
    I noticed alot of people complaining about lagg and so I dl a new leak chk and found a bunch of group leaks and fixed them so it is less laggy. The weather fx were laggy too so i revamped them. I am testing 4.9999 (lol) right now so hope that 5.0 will be better for you. As for a change log, its stuff that you shouldn't even notice, in other words, if the game runs smooooth from start to fin.

    Thanx for the comment but I can't read your rating info, it's white on white.

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    Needs more towers, and needs to be different than other Tower Defenses. If you make this map unique, I think it will be a very popular game (not saying it isn't popular already).

    Clan DIA Leader
    Azeroth (U.S. East)
  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    There is another map where leaks go to heroes and you get rewards for beating air and boss levels, etc etc etc? This TD is very unique. That's why I rate this, ST's TD, and YouTD a 5.

    Lordaeron (U.S. West)
  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    There are many maps like this. I'm not saying this map is bad, so you don't have to go crazy and start flaming...

    Clan DIA Leader
    Azeroth (U.S. East)
  • Project Contributor In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    I think I know of... NONE maps like this. I give credit to sunken cross for the S style maze area and Zoator for the Hero idea(cept his heroes didnt fight the leaks). Other then that, I make my own stuff up. Comming from you, a copy cat, I don't take alot of stock in your opinion. (If my post gets deleted again I am going to flip out)

    As for the maps I know are somewhat like mine:
    Bayus Firestorm; came out before my map but I didn't hear about it untill I was working on 1.3
    Splitter TD; who stole the idea from me. If you notice that my td v1.0 was out before the heroes were added to spitter td.

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    Most of his towers are unique, his gameplay is more or less unique, and using low-scale numbers in a TD is rarely seen. Also, mb wasn't flaming lol, he was just proving his point.

    I haz custom title
    Lordaeron (U.S. West)
  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    Flaming is used to offend someone. When Lazerus sends me messages that can be offensive, and posts offensive comments on maps, it is considered flaming.
    "Friendly Host your full of nonsense and I would hope a person so out of touch with reality would not like my TD. If I was someone who you could get something from you would probably rate a 1 and be all over my PMs. You’re a fiend for attn. and your opinion means nothing to me." -Lazerus
    Enough said.

    Clan DIA Leader
    Azeroth (U.S. East)
  • Project Contributor In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    I still feel that way and someone removed that comment from here. That is not flamming, that is just speaking my mind. In my opinion you need to open your mind and also try the games you post about more then once/twice.

  • Project Contributor In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    You know what, I am not going to participate in this conversation with you anymore friendlyhost.

  • In response to Lazerus TD 4.3

    Thank you Lazerus. I do not come to to argue with people.

    Clan DIA Leader
    Azeroth (U.S. East)
  • In response to Lazerus TD 5.0

    Not a bad map Lazerus. Tried it for the first time tonight. I was a little confused my first time playing. Not so much about the "get to mazing part!" but the fact that I didn't even realize my hero was down below ;)

    I also ended up with the secret Lazerus hero (assuming it's secret, since it says so), and he seemed kinda weak. I was hoping for super imba pwnage. Ok, kidding, but all in all decently fun.

    I always enjoy trying out new TDs :)

    Lordaeron (U.S. West)
  • Project Contributor In response to Lazerus TD 5.0

    Hmm. A review! Kinda brutal but very... detailed.

    I like that your doing reviews mec but I don't think I will heed any of your suggestions and I can tell you why. Briefly I have heard them before but don't think that they are changes for "my" map. Nor do I agree with your rating.

    1. Yes there was a time when there was more info for the heroes, but I reduced this for the fact that people were having info overload. Most of the names for spells are wc spells so its not hard to see what does what, (-repick as many as you want before your hero dies). If anything I could add a All Heroes tab in the F9. Also there is an icon I named all heroes on the builder that at one point had all the info but the field wasn't big enough, so now it only showing the lvl 6 spells.

    2. I really like my tower tooltips and think there is just enough info? All towers have 700 range and the same attack speed unless noted in the tip. The Ice Cube/Poison towers needs to show the spell info for each upgrade. The other towers show next lvl damage.

    TRENT: A fast splash with a small Aoe. Seige attack. |n40 damage. 800 range. Also has the Tree Sap abillity that stops |c0000ffffair|r units.|n|c0000ff00150% Fortified|n150% Unarmored|r|n|c00ffcc00100%Light|n100% Heavy|r|n|c00df010150% Medium|n50% Hero|r |n|n|cffffcc00Attacks land and air units.|r

    ICE CUBE: |cffffcc00WARNING: Purchace this only if you already own other towers. Do not mass!|r|n|c00088A85Slowing|r Tower with Normal damage. 600 range.|nLevel 1: |c00FF00009|r-|c00FF000012|r damage, 25% slowing affect for 1 second. Very Small Splash.|nLevel 2: 21-34 damage, 25% slow for 2.5 seconds, Small Splash.|nLevel 3: 71-74 damage, 25% slow for 4 seconds, Good Sized Splash.|nLevel 4: 141-144 damage 25% slow for 5 seconds, Very Large Splash.|n|c0000ff00150% Hero|r|n|c00ffcc00100% Light|n100% Medium|n100% Heavy|n100% Unarmored|r|n|c00df010170% Fortified|r |n|n|cffffcc00Attacks land and air units.|r

  • Project Contributor In response to Lazerus TD 5.0


    *Also Damage type vs Armor is the backbone of the map. All tower tooltips show their affect on all armor types.

    3. Hero spells that mach is simply a judgment call, pure opinion. I have made 5 hero maps and I keep basically the same heroes and kind of mix the spells around a little for flavor but they have all been awesome heroes in my opinion. Sorry you don't agree. I made certain abilities have less levels on purpose. Auras all have 3 levels, same with level 6 spells. AOE have the most as they are ks spells and everything else is either balanced to its type or keeping it to where you can still pick a spell for every skill point you get because the heroes lvl cap is 30. (If you played Lazerus Hero D you would remember a lil problem not being to spend skill points because the lvl cap for the spells were too high)

    4. I like the simpleness of the towers. This is an important thing to me. In my opinion you don't need all "weird" kinds of towers to make a good map. What is important to me is having solid towers that people recognize. Also the challenge is still present with the towers I use. I am in a band too, and when creating music it's not how fast and flashy you play, its how good you sound. Simple can really rock!

    5. Oh, the load screen. I don't think any map needs a load screen in my opinion. They take up too much memory, (hence the lowqual of mine(still looks neat)) and really can throw a person off for what they are going to encounter in game. I only made that loader to have a thumbnail on this site. Thought that the auto gen for the preview was the loader. Still for the size I think it is original, simple, and does its job well. I use alot of imports and can't afford space for a nice picture for people to look at for 18.7 seconds of load time. Go to if you like to look at cool pics, again back to simple being important.

    Thanx a million for the review, please get back to me on this. Also what is that DEMO badge?

  • Project Contributor In response to Lazerus TD 5.0

    ZTD was my main influence for this map! :O

    All hail Zoator!

  • In response to Lazerus TD 5.0

    I've reviewed my review (no pun intended). My opinions are still the same (I don't plan changing that until another release of the map), I just realized my ratings didn't reflect it properly, so I've came up with a numeric system that will hopefully be more precise.

    MT Team member
    Azeroth (U.S. East)
  • Project Contributor In response to Lazerus TD 5.0

    That is fine and thank you for the "better" ratting but the map deserves a 4 or 5 for sound. Turn your sound effects on! Just that you didn't catch that makes me doubt your reviewing ability.

    Can you tell me how having you play a map more then once is a "rare" thing but only prompts you to give the map a replay value of 4?

    mecatronicEven with so many mistakes, this map managed to make me play it a few times in a row (which is not something easy). It has so many new concepts built around a simple tower defense that somehow give it a very enjoyable gaming experience.

    ...and seriously "So many mistakes"? There really aren't that many mistakes mec.

    Also I think I deserve a 3 for units because although you disagree with the heroes matching their spells and the lack of variety of the towers (aside from my wanting them to be common out of my own doing), they are useful and serve their purpose. Also the Minion with the armor balance, are at least 3/5.

    So for a map that has been top 10 for 2+ months (whether mine or not) doesn't deserve even one 5 rating in any category?

    W/E mec wc3 is dying anyway, imo. Unless they fix this over abundance of bots, which isn't going to be a reality unless for the release of sc2.

    So... its been interesting trying to get my unique style of mapping across to you, and try to remember mec,
    fun is a factor too!

  • In response to Lazerus TD 5.0

    I'm hoping to have time to implement "Responses" to reviews tomorrow. It will probably be limited to authors, but I'm not entirely sure yet.

    Lordaeron (U.S. West)
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